Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   bike stuck in LA and I'm stuck on the other side of the world. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/bike-stuck-la-im-stuck-69689)

healthychaos 2 Apr 2013 14:18

bike stuck in LA and I'm stuck on the other side of the world.
Hi all,

I recently had the luck to complete my motorcycle journey. I bought the bike in Toronto, Canada. Rode around Quebec and Ontario for a few weeks before crossing into the states.

The problem I have is that I left my bike in LA, with a shipping agent, and left the country. I'm currently in Thailand and received an email informing me that it is not possible to ship the bike due to a lack of an entry document of my crossing into the states.

I'm at a loss of what to do, I was even willing for them to send it back over the border for me, but this is impossible due to the lack of entry documents, they can not supply exit documents.

I'm thinking that I may need to go back to LA, rides the bike back to Canada, get all the documents sorted, and ship the bike. But the problem is the registration runs out in 10 days.

Is there some way the bike can leave the country without me needing to fly back and physically cross the border with my bike?

Thanks in advance


Stewie 21 Apr 2013 22:37

leaving bike in US
Hello, as a Canadian citizen, when we enter USA with a personal vehicle (bike/car/RV etc) we do not have any "special" documentation requirements for the vehicle. We usually get asked for proof of ownership (registration) and Insurance. The information is recorded and that is all. We do of course have to show our passport, and get asked the usual questions of "Where you from/going?" etc.

The registration, in Alberta anyway, can be renewed by someone else if they are provided with a Letter of Authorization. The LOA and proof of insurance can then be taken to a local registry office and the renewal can take place. The bike does not need to be present. The new registration can then be mailed to the owner and all is good. The rules might be different in Ontario.

I may be wrong, but there is no limit on how long a Canadian registered vehicle can remain in the USA, many Canadians flock South for the winter (6 months at a time) and it is a common practice to have a vehicle there for convenience.

You may want to check with someone in Ontario to determine if this is the same process there. If you do not know anyone just search vehicle registry ontario and call one of them.

hope this helped

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