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-   -   Brazil to South Africa, any advices? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/brazil-south-africa-any-advices-60148)

saliadarunavuelta 11 Nov 2011 01:01

Brazil to South Africa, any advices?

Day 538 of my motorbike RTW trip. Facing the final big jump, from Brazil to South Africa. Has anybody done it? Suggestions? I'd rather fly, BTW.


MountainMan 11 Nov 2011 01:32

Don't know about Brazil, but it is a very easy hop from Buenos Aires to Cape Town or Jo'berg via Malaysian Airlines. Bike and you in the same plane.

saliadarunavuelta 11 Nov 2011 01:52

Hum? and how do I hire that? do I get to the airport counter with my bike at check-in time? :D

saliadarunavuelta 3 Jan 2012 14:39


Let me answer myself:

New Way Fretes Internacionais Ltda
Rua Jorge Duprat Figueiredo, 500
Cep: 04361-000 Vila Paulista - São Paulo - SP


Friendly and honest people, the packaging is not that wonderful though, but their prizes are quite good. It takes 3 days: 1 packing, 2 for customs (they guide you throughout the whole process, you can fly the third day and if you plan ahead, you'll be in the same plane as your bike -SAA-)

If you have a carnet, taking the motorcycle out of South African customs is a 2/3 hours process, simple, straight and dead cheap.

pecha72 3 Jan 2012 16:14


Originally Posted by saliadarunavuelta (Post 361496)
Friendly and honest people, the packaging is not that wonderful though, but their prizes are quite good. It takes 3 days: 1 packing, 2 for customs (they guide you throughout the whole process, you can fly the third day and if you plan ahead, you'll be in the same plane as your bike -SAA-)

Great! ...But could you please enlighten us a bit more: about how much did you end up paying? And which route (and airline) was used? And in South Africa, you did not have an agent, but handled the customs by yourself?

saliadarunavuelta 3 Jan 2012 16:41

It was a grand total of 1900 USD for 380 kilos. Including closed wood crate (280), flight, and paperwork in Sao Paulo (200). I must say this was the cheapest option I could find.

It was a direct flight Guarulhos-R.O.Tambo. South African Airlines. I ended up in the same flight as my bike. No agent was needed in Johannesburg and the paperwork was the simplest thing I've done in my life.

manray 6 Jan 2012 09:38

saliadarunavuelta - Thanks for sharing as I've been researching this option. Safe travels.

SprintST 13 Feb 2012 19:02

Yes, thank you for sharing that info.

I've been considering options for what I expect will turn into a RTW ride. This seems to fit the bill nicely.

So, $1900 USD for the bike with South African Airlines. What about your airfare? Care to share a little more?

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