Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Central Asia and Caucasus (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/central-asia-and-caucasus-2809)

pietro.spera 4 Nov 2003 01:54

Central Asia and Caucasus
Hello everybody,

I just came back from a long and successful overland motorcycle trip from Uzbekistan to Italy one month ago, shipping the bike to Tashkent from Rome by air.
I wrote a detailed report of my trip, with all the practical info, at the following link:
unfortunately for you, it's in italian, but you can try to translate it through Altavista or something similar.
As soon as I have time, I'll translate it in English for Horizons Unlimited BB.
Anyway, if you have any specific question, I'm happy to help you.


Guest2 4 Nov 2003 22:35

Hi Pietro,
I am looking to travel a similar route next year to travel to Russia, I would be interested in the English translation as AltaVista only handles the first part and it is not easy to read.
I can't quite see how you crossed the Caspian Sea


pietro.spera 18 May 2004 21:42

Hello everybody,

finally I have translated the report of my trip from Uzbekistan to Italy across the Caucasus.
You guys can find all the practical info, at the following link:


For some photos, you can check the italian web sites in the first post of this topic.

if you have any further question, I'm happy to help you.


mattjrhobbs 23 Aug 2004 20:57

hi pietro and marta

my wife and i are in tashkent now having driven from the uk. we are looking to fly from tashkent to either pakistan or india. do you recall if and who may fly to either of these countries??
many thanks
matt & jo hobbs

mattjrhobbs 23 Aug 2004 21:00

hey steve

we crossed the caspian a couple of months ago from baku to aktau in kazakstan. crossing was a day and half and the ticket sale folk at baku are thieves. the ship is grotty but floats. you can also cross to turkmenistan.
there's no timetable but usually every 2-3 days they'll be a ship to either place.
cheers matt hobbs

pietro.spera 23 Aug 2004 23:34


Originally posted by mattjrhobbs:
hi pietro and marta

we are looking to fly from tashkent to either pakistan or india. do you recall if and who may fly to either of these countries??
many thanks
matt & jo hobbs

Hi, try to contact http://www.continenttour.com/
in Tashkent. Ask for Olga.
Maybe they can help you. They were very helpful with us.
Have a nice and safe trip.

PS: if you hear from them, please send them my best regards.

bob66 26 Jan 2010 10:56

Hi Pietro

We wanted to do a trip through Central Asia, starting in Tashkent, ending to Lake Baikal.
I see that you waited for a week in Tashkent. Is not possible that you skip that wait by talking to the agency from home? Or they need to see you there in flash for begining the paperworks.. ?


farqhuar 27 Jan 2010 05:34


Originally Posted by bob66 (Post 273528)
Hi Pietro

We wanted to do a trip through Central Asia, starting in Tashkent, ending to Lake Baikal.
I see that you waited for a week in Tashkent. Is not possible that you skip that wait by talking to the agency from home? Or they need to see you there in flash for begining the paperworks.. ?


Bob, I suggest you PM or email Pietro directly. He hasn't posted on this site for close to 2 years and is unlikely to spot your post.

bob66 27 Jan 2010 06:56

I wanted to, but I need 5 posts before the forum allows me to pm somebody .. (this is the 4th:D)

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