Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Trip Transport (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/)
-   -   The cheapest direct roro shipping from west coast usa to vladivostok is fesco (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/cheapest-direct-roro-shipping-west-76773)

tschop 13 Jun 2014 04:01

The cheapest direct roro shipping from west coast usa to vladivostok is fesco

You need TWIC escort to transport your bike from gate of port to the loading area. Also need to handle your own customs clearance, not that hard.

Yuri Melnikov ymelnik at links-ltd.com
will do your customs import fees $200 at vladivostok for a 150 dollar fee.

Thats it, no absurd $5000 shipping fees, logistical nightmares/ south korea detour.

boarder 28 Jun 2014 13:31

Anyone tried the reverse option Vladivostok to Seattle yet?

kito 18 Aug 2014 19:47

I'd be interested to know that myself as well
Does any contact details so I can get a price on vlad to USA ??

Boatdoc 28 Sep 2014 14:51

We just shipped three bikes from Vlad to Vancouver using Yuri and Svetlana. They were a pleasure to work with. It was a full container (7 bikes and one Lada) and used Fesco for the Vlad to Busan leg. It then was transshipped on the Hanjin Paris. The price per bike was $1800 each, of which $1600 was the ocean freight. At the Vancouver end we paid an additional $610 for each bike for a variety of charges with Gabryelle at Astra International, who is also quite nice. The time from drop off in Vlad to pick up in Vancouver was 8.5 weeks. YMMV is an obvious statement!

kito 2 Oct 2014 17:42

8 an a half bloody weeks ?. Realy
I think it would be cheeper and faster to come back to Europe then ship over to North America

Christian Vogel 3 Oct 2014 16:22

Thanks yor these yery good informations. Two day ago I got a very friendly answer and an offer from FESCO about 850 $ - for the shipping from Everett (Seattle) to Vladivostok. Now I have to decide. But I think I will do it.

kito 4 Oct 2014 08:52

Why is it direct for $850 but going back takes twice as long and costs $1800 ? Is it a different service ?

Christian Vogel 4 Oct 2014 20:16

Hey Kito,

I don´t know what is the difference. Sorry. If I get some informations about that - I will let you know.

kito 5 Oct 2014 10:38


garnaro 13 Aug 2015 08:47

I know this is an old thread, but wondering if anyone has had success with FESCO going Vlad - Seattle. I contacted FESCO, now waiting for an answer.

Also contacted Yuri and he says $1650 for transport to Vancouver in mid September 2015. This is just too much given how many bikes can fit in a 20' container!

grahamtheman 13 Aug 2015 13:22

I contacted West Coast shipping 1 month ago and they ship from San Francisco to Vladivostok for $500. Takes around 2 weeks to arrive, pretty good deal. You might contact them about Vlad to Seattle, they're a stellar company.

pecha72 14 Aug 2015 07:49

Has anybody sent their one motorcycle as LCL (less than container load) type of seafreight out of Vladivostok? I´m just curious, why you would need to “rent” an entire container, to send just a few bikes – especially, if it still ends up costing in excess of +1500Usd per bike.

Almost everything sent from there by sea does seem to be packed in containers, so maybe there actually is a rational explanation to this. please enlighten me....?

garnaro 11 Sep 2015 02:57

I'm in Vladivostok now and went to the FESCO office yesterday - they will only offer a 20' container for $4800 from Vladivostok to west coast USA. They don't do consolidated shipping.

The only option in Vladivostok is to work with Yuri Melnikov, who is not a good option. His prices are very high and he is not upfront about the total costs involved even when asked directly. My bike is now in his warehouse, paperwork done, deposit paid. Today I'm told by the agent he works with in Vancouver that it will be $700 per bike in the container for port fees and handling, and another $500 for storage. In addition Yuri's fee of $1650 at hat's a total of $2850 to ship the bike. Absolutely ridiculous.

calltoserve 8 Nov 2016 22:55

Planning to do the Vlad to Seattle/Vancouver/Anchorage shipment for my GSA next summer. So far, I've read that Yuri is the man if shipping by boat from Vlad...have also read air is better from Korea but the ferry logistics are a mess. What's the best option for someone wanting to do air freight? Recognize it may be $$$, but time is of the essence.


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