Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   ferry to italy from tunis (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/ferry-to-italy-from-tunis-2562)

jondoe 25 Aug 2002 03:49

ferry to italy from tunis
Hi all!

I have a map,that says there is a ferry from tunis to palermo(sicily)
Map is from 1991.

Does that line works today?
I'v heard that there is only to Napoli today!?

Did some one has a personal expirience?

If so how much it costs for a bike and me?

Thanks http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Susan Johnson 25 Aug 2002 04:52

Hi Jon

There are ferries (as of Feb/02) from Naples, Cagliari and Trapani to Tunisia.

Check out this post for details:


Good luck and let us know how you go.

Susan Johnson

"It matters not what goal you seek
Its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week
To get Results or Roses."
Edgar Guest

'One world, two wheels'

jondoe 27 Aug 2002 07:15


Thanks Susan,I have found what i'm looking for.

Thanks very much!


P.S:What about Tunis-Trapani in october or novamber,thay don't say a thing after saptember!? http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/confused.gif

Fuchur 27 Aug 2002 22:21

I wrote a ferryline about there timetables in October November... this was there reply:

Dear Mr Schellenberg

Please note we do not have the timetable and prices for the winter yet. Please keep checking our side www.viamare.com for the latest information and contact us nearer the time.

Thank you for your interest

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