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-   -   HELP ! Cheapest way to ship 2 small bikes from Buenos Aires to Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/help-cheapest-way-ship-2-a-50632)

bulliiit 3 Jun 2010 22:30

HELP ! Cheapest way to ship 2 small bikes from Buenos Aires to Europe
Dear all,

After 4 incredible month spend in South America ! I fell in love with my motorbike Suzuki Gn125 ! And can´t bear leaving it behind ... So I´m looking for the best way to send the 2 suzuki GN125 in Europe !

So far, I´v tried Lufthansa Cargo but it was about 1 500 USD for each bike ...

Can any of you all advise me on a cheap way to do it ?

Here is the blog of my brother and I if you are curious :-)


Thanks a looooot in advance !!


bulliiit 3 Jun 2010 22:32

I forgot to mention that I live in Belgium ( brussels ) and that Antwerp would be the best option via sea ! But if it´s cheaper to send the 2 bikes in Germany I woulnd mind !!

Thanks a lot again


enzo & martina 18 Jun 2010 22:12

buenos aires?
hey patrik,

must it be buenos aires?

if valparaiso, chile would work for you we can help!

my e- mail: villakunterbuntvalpo@yahoo.de



TurboDom 18 Jun 2010 22:37

H-S can be recommended
Hi Patrick,

I have shipped my bike from BA to Hamburg a month ago.
Total cost including all fees about €700,--.
I shipped with Hamburg Süd and the price was for container sharing.
No crade is needed, you just drop off the bike at the warehouse at the harbour.

Hamburg Süd aren´t necessarily the cheapest, but the service provided was first class, no trouble or surprises at all. You get a procedure how to walk your way to bureaucracy and the harbour and do not need additional help.
I received the bike back in excellent condition: no dents or scratches.

You may contact Hamburg Süd´s office and ask for Federico Boettner:

Federico J. Boettner
Hamburg - Süd / Aliança
Phone: ++54 11 5789-9900 - ext 366

E.mail: federico.boettner@ar.hamburgsud.com

Good luck

bulliiit 20 Jun 2010 20:49

Hi guys !!

Thanks a lot for your reply !! But after a long investigation I came to the conclusion that it´s way too expensive to get the motorbikes regulated in Belgium ... But I can really recommend boxfreight ! I went to the office in San Telmo ( buenos aires ) and one guy explain everything and the cost was about 600 USD !!

i have now sold it and I´m in a deep depression snif snif !

But thanks again lads !

Take care


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