Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Share container Dili (East Timor) to Darwin (Australia) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/share-container-dili-east-timor-68244)

kiwichrisbassett 11 Jan 2013 09:18

Share container Dili (East Timor) to Darwin (Australia)

we are stuck at Flores at the moment, but are planing to ship with Perkhins at the 20th or 27th Jan this year. Anyone around who would like to share the 20'' container with us (2 bikes at the moment).


anonymous1 12 Jan 2013 04:27

G'day Chris,
Get in touch once landed in Darwin, spare room, workshop n bier
Cheers Dave

pecha72 12 Jan 2013 13:33


Originally Posted by kiwichrisbassett (Post 407232)

we are stuck at Flores at the moment, but are planing to ship with Perkhins at the 20th or 27th Jan this year. Anyone around who would like to share the 20'' container with us (2 bikes at the moment).


Do you need to have a whole container to send a bike or two bikes on that route?

RTWbyBIKE.com 13 Jan 2013 02:14


Originally Posted by pecha72 (Post 407391)
Do you need to have a whole container to send a bike or two bikes on that route?

You dont need to take a whole container, it´s just cheaper from 2 two bikes upwards. Actually with only two bikes it´s just a bit cheaper but from three or more it gets better...

Perkins is a pain though, but no other option from Dili... After the trip we thought to open a agency just to give Perkins some competition...:funmeterno:

We had to wait in Darwin 3 weeks to get the bike out of customs. The container was there all the time... Perkins was no help, if we didnt took action the bike would be still there.


anonymous1 13 Jan 2013 04:38


Perkins Shipping used to be awesome untill they were taken over by TOLL!
Like all big companies ther dont give a :9898: about the little fella.

kiwichrisbassett 13 Jan 2013 08:44


no, you dont need to take a whole container, but as we are 2 bikes its basically the same costs, so we are looking for more to join in to save money then...

And thanks for the invitation to Darwin, just sent you a private message!

You are great and keeping us up here in the rain in Flores....


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