Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Sharing a shipping container from USA to South America in January 2014 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/sharing-shipping-container-usa-south-72227)

Juice_Pope 13 Sep 2013 22:37

Sharing a shipping container from USA to South America in January 2014
Howdy everyone.

I'm currently prepping to ride South America starting in early 2014. I am currently weighing my options: to buy something once I land or to ship my trusty DR650.

The going rate to ship my bike on its own seems to be somewhere between $1500-2500 each way. Possible destinations would be Santiago, Valparaiso (or elsewhere in Chile) or Buenos Aires (though I understand that red tape grows mighty thick in Argentina). I paid $3500 for the bike itself earlier this year, so it's hard to justify spending the same amount in shipping costs for the trip.

I have found that sharing a shipping container with other bikes/vehicles can cut down the cost.

Anybody in the process of putting together a container that I might join? Or does anyone have experience arranging a shipping container?

Trich1237 23 Oct 2013 04:42

Hey I'm in a very similar boat. By the end of the week I need to make a decision on whether to buy a motorcycle here and ship it down or try my luck and buy one down there. I am looking to begin my journey in January 2014--although I'm starting in Venezuela or Brazil with no motorcycle and working my way down to Argentina (ideally where I would pick up the bike). I'm not too clear on how it all works besides the basic idea of packing it up and shipping it down through some carrier. I am interested in sharing a container if it seems feasible.

navegator 20 Nov 2013 02:59

Hello, I am Brazilian and need to send my motorcycle that are in Boston MA,
if I can advise you that I tell you not to buy the bike from here(brasil), as there are many blocks in Brazil, do not send the bike to Brazil I advise, send to chile or uruguay, argentina forget

Grimace 27 Nov 2013 21:59

I too am interested in this.

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