Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Topmodel 30 Jan 2013 15:16

Shipping Motorcycle from Vladivostok to Europe
I am planning my Trip from Italy to Vladivostok for next April/ May2013 ......
In tha and of May I would like to delivery our N.2 motorcycles from Vladivostok to Europe by container .......I find on the web
Mr Yuri Melnikov
Links, Ltd.
89 Svetlanskaya str., office 312,
690078, Vladivostok, Russia.
Tel/fax: +7(423)222-15-78
Tel: +7(423)222-08-87
Mobile: +7 902 5243447
mail to: ymelnik [AATT] links-ltd <<DDOTT>> com

He told me that is possible to ship a containers from Vladivostok to Italy ,
but is very expensive ....4500$ ........for only 2 motrcycles !!!

we are in two guy ( NOT sponsor ) : Helpsmilie: with 2 ( two ) motorbikes ........
the motorbikes are old and cheap bue we are loyal and we would like to bring them at home !!!I

SO I need to find in the end of May 2013 other travelers who wont to send their cars or motorcycles to divide the COSTS of Transport !!!!
IS possible to organize the shipping in Europe ......not necessary in Italy .
I wait all suggestions or news
Best Regards

dnicoletti 30 Jan 2013 15:57

Ciao e benvenuto su HUBB,
so, if you're not in a hurry with time, you may consider to put the bikes on the train, TRansiberian, and send it back to Moscow where you can ride it down to Italy or, if you can find a fixer in the capitol city try to manage a truck deliver back home.
Hope this helps.
greetings from Milano

i wouldn't to argue, but i think may it could be a little bit earlier, and cold, to ride the transiberian highway.

bushman_uk 30 Jan 2013 23:32

you could look at the costings of the ferry to Korea and fly the bikes home from there ?

Topmodel 31 Jan 2013 07:54

Ferry from Vladivostok to S. korea go in 2 time a week.
price about 600 us$. you with bike in one way and you must pay another 100 us $ for coustom and documents ( Yuri Melnikov )
and you will pay - road insurance in Korea. - about 120$ !!!!
After that I must drive the motrcycle to Busan South Corea and shipping the motrbikes from Busan to Italy ( price is 600/700 us$ ) and after that we must pay in Italy the company for opening the containers and coustomer office ( i don't now the price .....but it is expensive !!!!! ) .
So if you consider the time ( 15/20 days ) and the TOTAL price ......for me is impossible to use this solutions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... I am travelling with my Honda Dominator ....the motorbikes is old and cheap but I am loyal and I would like to bring them at home .......

dstehouwer 31 Jan 2013 10:17

We now paused our trip for a bit, but a few months ago (when driving north through Africa) we planned on driving to Moscow, and then put ourselves and the bikes on the train (10 days...) to Vladivostok.

my contact was: Anastasia Vasilieva (who was helpful 'until I asked to start more questions' but speaks/writes good english)
Summary: you can take cargo on the train, BUT the maximum weight was 165 kg's per wooden crate @ around 1 euro/kg. (not bad, is it?) We made a plan to make 3 crates out of 2 Africa Twins (260kg's last time we put them in a plane with luggage).
Your Dominator might come closer to their max. weight demand, but I guess a bottle of booze and a smile with some cash might help you out with that.

Ticket price for you as a person is a few hundred euro's.

Her email:
The weight limit is 165 kilos.
The cost is about 1 Euro per kilo.
The packaging conditions remain I have said before. (Daan: it must be a woonden crate)

To get the baggage ticket you should come to the baggage department at the station one day before departure.

EdwinVie 13 Mar 2013 22:04

Container sharing to Europe

We are two bikers from Vienna, and we plan to ride to Magadan this year.. But we will leave Vienna at the 2nd of June. We hope to be in Magadan about 5-6 weeks later. (Mid July) Then we would like to ship our bikes back via Vladivostok. I also talked to Yuri.

Maybe you could change the date of your trip (it's to early in the year anyway:rain:), then we could share the container and some beer. chugchugchugchug

Greetings from Vienna


Topmodel 25 Mar 2013 11:53

Vladivostok planning 2013
We are starting on 25 April 2013 ...... Below you forwarding our planning .....

01 Reggio Emilia - Trieste 400 km
02 Trieste - Balaton Lake ( Budapest ) 450 km
03 Balaton lake - Mukaceve - ( Leopoli ? ) 600 km
04 Mukaceve - strada x kiev ( Motel ) 350km
05 Strada x Kiev - Kiev - Hluhiv 670 km
06 Hluhiv - frontiera Russa - Kursk 180km
07 Kursk ----------

08 Kursk - ci fermiamo 200km da Penza 550 km
09 Penza - stop a 70 km da Togliatti grad 460km
10 Togliatti grad - stop a 50 km da Ufa - 540 km
11 Ufa - Kurgan 690 km
12 Kurgan - Omsk 660 km
13 Omsk ----------
14 Omsk - Kargat 470 km
15 Kargat - Novosibirsk - Tomsk 430 km
16 Tomsk -----------

17 Tomsk - Mariinsk - Krasnojarsk 600 km
18 Krasnojarsk - Kansk - Niznedinsk 640 km
19 Niznedinsk - Irkutsk 500 km
20 Irkutsk -----------
21 Irkutsk - Listvianka village - Ulan Ude 600 km
22 Ulan Ude ----------
23 Ulan Ude - Chita 600 km
24 Chita ----------
25 Chita - Mogocia 580 km
26 Mogocia - Taldan 440 km
27 Taldan - Blagoveschenk 560 km
28 Blagovesescensk - ---------
29 Blagovescenk - KHabarovsk 650km
30 Habarovsk - Vladivostock 860 km
31 Vladivostock

If you change your planning please tell me something .....By Cristian

nigel_tailyour 2 Apr 2013 14:46

Will you be keeping HU updated with your progress or do you plan your own blog? We hope to follow in your tyre tracks in 2014

Enjoy and good luck,

aldinosan 23 Apr 2013 21:58

Ciao Christian,

I might have some ideas for you, a bit unusual stuff but it might work...cannot send you a private message since I just restarted a new membership to HU and do not have enough posts...


P.S. Sono Italiano e mi trovi su Skype aldinosan , e-mail aldino66@hotmail.com

orario Pacific Coast US

aldinosan 23 Apr 2013 22:18

shipping two Bikes from West Coast USa to Vladivostok
Hi all,

I will be sending two bikes from California to Vladivostok but need an agent there to receive them, clear custom etc.

Found Yuri Melnikov contact on HU. Any feedback?

Thanks all,



ta-rider 23 Apr 2013 22:48

Hi im looking for a Bike in Vladivostok to ride back to Europa...may be we could arange something??? Would be great :)

Richard Wolters 21 Oct 2013 12:42

I am in the planning stages of going from Vlad to Europe in June next year. If you are interested and the bikes are in good condition we possibly can help each other. I could ride one of them back for you and am sure I will find a companion. I have a n easy pace as I am 64 but have a lot of experience riding very long distances. (complete and Australia-India -Europe trip some years ago) The only thing necessary would be to have the correct paperwork translated into Russian.
cheers richard

Richard Wolters 21 Oct 2013 12:45

Sorry I misread your post- 2013- not 2014

nigel_tailyour 28 Oct 2013 11:49

I am heading there May June 2014
I can share container to US if there is a need.

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