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Werner Zwick 11 Nov 2001 02:56

Shipping Quito-Panama
Hi, I would like to fly my Transalp from Quito to Panama in late January.
Has anybody done this lately? I checked the shipping pages already (Thanks for publishing them, they are great) but hope for more info on which airfreight companies or airlines I can approach in Quito.
Thanx for any info

Susan Johnson 19 Jan 2002 01:18


I'm sure you're already organized, but I thought I'd respond to this for the benefit of future travellers on this route.

You mention that you have looked at the Shipping page. But there is at least one contact on that page for an air cargo company in Quito:

Sarcargo S.A., Av. de la Prensa 50-55 (new house number!), 2nd floor, Quito
Señor Caizaluisa, Señora Anita
Phone: 593 2 466 621 or
Mobile:593 9 806 273

Travellers have also used Aeroservicios, Girag and even Continental Airlines for the reverse trip. Getting contact details for them in Ecuador is difficult online it seems, but if you're in the country it shouldn't be too hard to find a yellow pages directory.

Good luck and safe travels!

Susan Johnson
Share the Dream at <A HREF="http://www.HorizonsUnlimited.com
" TARGET=_blank>www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 14 May 2002).]

Werner Zwick 23 Jan 2002 03:18

Thanks Susan,
I am using SAR Cargo, waiting currently for the motorcycle to arrive here in Panama.

As soon as I Know how it turns out, I will let you know


Menace 8 May 2002 00:03

SAR Cargo has moved offices and changed name. The correct contact information is now,

El Porvenir, Av. Amazonas 7539 y río Topo (sector Aeropuerto). Teléfax (593) 2 452 705, Cel 099 005 423

They were the only people that we could find to fly two bikes from Quito to Panama. The bikes were charged on a unit basis, irrespective of weight. We sent luggage with the bikes and the combined weight was about 550kg.

Transport was with Avianca to Bogota, and Copa Airlines to Panama City. Flights left a day early (?) and arrived a day late.

Costs were US$500 per bike, plus US$70 per bike as a "Dangerous Goods" levy. We also paid a US$50 agency fee to a third party as we did not have Ecuadorian entry stamps for the bikes.

We were told to drain all the fuel, disconnect the battery, and let the air out of the tires. In the end we kept our reserve tanks full, and only let a little air out. The bikes could be riden off the loading trays in Panama.

Be especially careful with the loading of the bikes. Insist on supervising as the packers were incredibly inept. They only offered two straps for the two bikes and when we solicited more they succeeded in hooking them around every cable and hose they could find. We used some of our own tension straps but we never saw them again after the bikes were inspected in Bogota.

Everything arrived unscathed in Panama but the bags had been searched. We did not pay any storage as we were at the Cargo Terminal to meet the bikes.

The aduana was located in the same complex so we paid $10 for a taxi, and (I think) $12 or $20 for documentation on the Panamanian side.

Our own flights cost $270 per person for the same routing. The return tickets were cheaper than one ways but if buying a oneway make sure that you can fly Colombia-Panama on such a ticket.

(If you have problems on the Ecuadorian side Ricardo Rocco continues to provide excellent assistance to bikers).

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