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Giesy 28 Jun 2010 16:02

Shipping from south korea to south east asia
We want to go by ferry from Vladiwostok to South Korea and further on to South Asia. Has anyone experience if it is allowed to ride a bike in South Korea and is there a ferry/ ship to South Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore)? We have a German registration, German, Passport, German driving license and an international driving license. Any help is welcome.

farqhuar 29 Jun 2010 02:10

Hi Giesy,

I shipped from Australia to Busan (Korea) in 2008 and then rode up the peninsula to Sokcho before taking the ferry to Zarubino (Vladivostok).

Getting your bike into South Korea is not difficult, you can buy insurance at the dock for the period you wish to ride in South Korea. Only important thing to note is that motorcycles are NOT allowed to ride on freeways in Korea - otherwise you are fine.

To the best of my knowledge, the only other vehicle ferry you can take is from Busan to Shiminoseki in Japan.

There is a ferry from Incheon to Yanchai but I don't believe it is a vehicle ferry, and in any case you wil struggle to obtain import authority for your bike into China.

Shipping to Singapore from Busan or Incheon would be your best bet. However, you will likely have to crate your bike and wait until the next scheduled shipping date. I used Eagle Shipping in Busan to manage the importation of my bike. If you want to PM me I can provide contact details for the ubiquitous Mr Lee. :biggrin3:

Giesy 29 Jun 2010 03:24

Shipping from South Korea
Hi my friend

Would be nice to provide us with the contact details of Mr. Lee. I think the ferry from Busan to Singapore is a nice option for us.

Regards Frank

pecha72 29 Jun 2010 10:45

´Shipping´ & having to crate your bike, seem to point to a cargo ship, not a ferry boat.

And it is very uncommon for cargo ships to take any passengers any more, much more likely that you have to find another means of transport for yourself, like flying.

As a rule of thumb, there are extremely few international long-distance ferry-routes still operating anywhere in Asia. Their passengers took the plane 20-30 years ago.

Giesy 30 Jun 2010 03:01

South Korea
Hi Garry
Would be nice to give us the details.
Regards Frank


Originally Posted by farqhuar (Post 294703)
Hi Giesy,

I shipped from Australia to Busan (Korea) in 2008 and then rode up the peninsula to Sokcho before taking the ferry to Zarubino (Vladivostok).

Getting your bike into South Korea is not difficult, you can buy insurance at the dock for the period you wish to ride in South Korea. Only important thing to note is that motorcycles are NOT allowed to ride on freeways in Korea - otherwise you are fine.

To the best of my knowledge, the only other vehicle ferry you can take is from Busan to Shiminoseki in Japan.

There is a ferry from Incheon to Yanchai but I don't believe it is a vehicle ferry, and in any case you wil struggle to obtain import authority for your bike into China.

Shipping to Singapore from Busan or Incheon would be your best bet. However, you will likely have to crate your bike and wait until the next scheduled shipping date. I used Eagle Shipping in Busan to manage the importation of my bike. If you want to PM me I can provide contact details for the ubiquitous Mr Lee. :biggrin3:

farqhuar 30 Jun 2010 04:28

Hi Frank, I've just seen your post - contact details below.

TEL : 82 51 469 2462
FAX : 82 51 462 4251
E-MAIL :eaglebsn@chollian.net

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