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-   -   Vancouver, Canada to London, England by sea (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/vancouver-canada-london-england-sea-2483)

Cameron 18 Jan 2002 00:08

Vancouver, Canada to London, England by sea
I will be shipping a BMW R80RT from Vancouver B.C. to London England by sea for a hopeful delivery in the first week of May 2002, and I am wondering about a couple of things. I have quite a few qoutes for shipping, with customs clearance it is about$300Can more.I know there is a flat $100Can fee for customs that I will have to pay anyway, but is it worth $200 for hassle free entry.I know costs add up quickly in a foreign port,but has anyone done this recently that could give advice?
I am also wondering, that with transit times of anywhere from 4-8 weeks weather I should fully compress the front forks of the bike when I tie it down for shipment.Will this damage an already soft front suspension? I do not want to have to put new springs in the forks.Thanks.


PanEuropean 18 Jan 2002 00:15

Hi Cameron:

I am sorry I cannot answer any of your questions, however, I am curious to know what price range the quotes for shipping you got were.

Cameron 18 Jan 2002 06:52

Hi PanEuropean,
The quotes I have for just shipping are all around $700CAN plus or minus $50.The quotes for shipping with customs clearance are $800 to $1000.I have transit times anywhere from 2-10 weeks. I will be double checking with the companies that I am thinking of using, because despite being very helpful most are somewhat "fuzzy" about the agents responsibilities at the other end. I briefly checked out flying but the fist two qoutes came in at $1700,and for this leg of the journey by sea is a better deal.If you would like specific info. on rates you can email me. Cameron

Susan Johnson 18 Jan 2002 07:51

Hi Cameron

Shipping into England from Canada I wouldn't bother with paying extra for customs clearance. Since it is an English speaking country with reasonable processes, it's not like you need interpreters or someone to proffer 'baksheesh' to customs officials. It may take you a little longer to get the bike cleared if you're doing it by yourself, but how much is your time worth compared to $200? I am assuming here that the $200 is for the agent's fees, not local port charges, etc, which you would have to pay in either case. Ask them to break it down so you can tell for sure.

Given a choice between two comparable quotes, I would go with a company which has their own office and employees at both ends, rather than go through a local 'agent'. You should be wary when they're somewhat 'fuzzy' about the agent's responsibilities. If things go wrong, you end up stuck in the middle with the local agent pointing the finger at your shipper and vice versa. If they all work for the same company then you have a better shot at someone taking responsibility if there's a problem.

And BTW, anyone who has quoted you only 2 weeks transit time by sea from Vancouver to London is obviously completely clueless or is lying to get your business. It never takes less than 4-6 weeks minimum, and you will find that no one will guarantee an actual delivery date. This may be a consideration when comparing prices with airfreight, where you arrive at the same time as your bike. If you have to spend a lot of time in London waiting for your bike, costs will quickly erode the price differential.

Finally, as to preparation for the voyage, this from Grant (who has done more sea and air shipments than he likes to remember):

"DON'T fully compress the forks. The bike should be tied down on its suspension about half-way down. It should NOT be resting on centre-stand or side-stand, only on its wheels, and vertical. This will not harm the springs (unless you leave it for a couple of years). Use good straps (I like 6) and don't skimp on the crate. You can usually get them for nothing from bike dealers. IF you really want to squeeze the volume down, take the front wheel off, rest the bike on the skidplate or forks, and tie securely."

Hope this helps. Let us know how you go.

Good luck and safe travels!

Susan Johnson
Share the Dream at www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 18 January 2002).]

Susan Johnson 18 Jan 2002 08:20

Cameron - a few more possibilities to explore:

Kevin Beretta has a recent quote from Lufthansa Cargo for 3.36 EURO per kilo - approx. 4.77 CAD per kilo. You'd have to check the basis of calculation - weight vs. volume, but Lufthansa doesn't require a crate, so that reduces the weight considerably.

See also PanEuropean's post re possibility of using a charter airline.


Cameron 18 Jan 2002 23:43

Thanks Susan, and Grant,
That is exactly the info I needed.Lufthansa Cargo was on my list, but I just never contacted them, I will now.

twowheelwandering 22 Jan 2002 00:03

I can recommend a guy by the name of John Horton, of World Cargo - just shipped my KLR to Madrid from Vancouver last week. Sorry, don´t have his number handy, call BA cargo in Vancouver if its not listed, they will pass his number on. I paid under $4.00 per kilo CAN via KLM and everything went very smoothly - direct to London should be less. (Zero customs cost in Spain for me - don´t know if that´s a fluke or normal. Met someone today who paid $250US at Amsterdam to clear). John can arrange crating if you need. I crated mine, reducing a KLR + some of my luggage to the smallest m/c crate the shipping guys had ever seen, and shipped actual weight rather than dimensional, which is your goal. (Thanks Grant and Peter Forward for your advice on this) I pulled my bars and also the right side fork spring, easy to replace on a KLR without any support, don´t know about the Beemer. Use your onboard luggage quota to the max (32kgs per bag, 2 bags out of Vancouver) but don´t exceed it or you´ll be behind when you get hit for the overweight fee.
Make sure any quotes you get allow for the NavCan fee, the dangerous goods fee (varies with airline), the `security' fee (varies with airline). Kel-Ex are the only people in Van who can prepare dangerous goods paperwork, they do an excellent job, for $30 + tax don´t even think of doing it yourself. Say hi to John Horton at World Cargo and the people at Kel-Ex for me if you´re speaking with them.
If you insist on sea freight, I would talk to Chris Locker Evers at LEI international, he´s familiar with bike shipping. Make sure you know all the port charges at the other end, get Chris to get it in writing for you and get a copy to present to them.
From my experience I would say go air, but good luck with whichever way you go.

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