Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics. (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/wallenius-wilhelmsen-logistics-25920)

JoeHilo 1 Mar 2007 15:56

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics.
I’m writing to see if anybody has had experience with Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics.

They seem to have a to have reasonable prices. Additionally it seems uncomplicated. NO freight forwarders to deal with.

Presently I’m preparing for an around the world trip at the end of the year. Tentative plans are to start in New Zealand, in November. Next to OZ, then up to Dawrin, ship to S.E. Asia.

Travel around S.E. Asia till April, Airfreight Nepal/India from Bangkok. At this time will try to overland it to Europe (I’m very aware of all the restrictions, and ‘no-go’ areas). After touring Europe, ship back to North America.

In my extensive research, I keep coming back to Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics as possible choice.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated

A hui hou
(Till next time)


Livotlout 1 Mar 2007 20:06

Wallenius Wilhelmsun
Hi Joe,

I used them in June 2005 from Southampton (UK) to Newark(NJ).
No big problems, made provisional booking by phone, told to turn up three days earlier than sailing, parked the bike complete with panniers, tools and spares, (normal luggage not allowed!) and paid - £514.
No pallet or crate - these are roll on roll off ferries.
With your waybill number you are able to track your shipment by the internet, from this I found that my bike left the UK one day later on a different ship which had an additional port of call, which meant I had two extra days to explore New York - No problem!
Two things, first - Newark port was operated by P & O, which meant a handling charge of 90bucks!, may be worth choosing a WW port operation.
Secondly - an address will be required in US for customs paperwork (hotel).
Best wishes for your trip.


kingsmill 2 Mar 2007 20:42

I have shipped with Wallenius Wilhelmsen three times and have been very pleased with them.


Sian Mackenzie 5 Mar 2007 10:31

We used WW from Panama to Chile and wouldn't use them again. Bikes were tampered with and stuff stolen. The unloading crew drained the batteries trying to start the bikes, so pickup was fun......

On the positive side, no crating, not much paperwork and pretty cheap!

Maybe we just had bad luck, but I would at least make sure you don't leave anything removable on your bike :)


Stagbeetle 29 Jun 2007 22:00

Friendly and helpful
Just got back from taking my bike to Wallenius Wilhelmsen at Southampton,UK, for ferry to Halifax, NS.(£556). Tony White, tony.white@2wglobal.com was very helpful, especially as I forgot to bring my contact address.:rolleyes2:
He let me use the office phone and surf the net to get it:thumbup1:

Apart from making a prat of myself when I dropped the bike unloading it from the van,:thumbdown: , (Take a friend or walk it down the plank, otherwise it falls over when your feet leave the ground as the rear wheel gets on the flat ground!!!) everything went smoothly.

Of course I've still got to see what state it's in when I arrive:confused1:

pooley 30 Jun 2007 16:49

W & W
I shipped our bike a year ago from Southhampton to Halifax Nova scotia with this company.
Very easy and straight forward, RORO Ferry, no crates to worry about.
Very helpful people at both ends.
Best of luck, Pooley www.pooleglobaltrek.com

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