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MichelleS 16 Jul 2007 21:23

Working for passage on a ship
Does anyone know how one would go about getting a job on board a cargo ship from the USA/Canada to Australia? I've heard if you are working on board then you'd be able to take your bike with you as the crew quite often have their own bikes for transport when they get into port. Is the idea a bit old fashioned and romantic etc and not possible these days or is it a valid option? I've made a fwe enquiries but was wondering if anyone here may have any suggestions.

Caminando 17 Jul 2007 13:00

I wwould guess that its not possible because of Health and Safety and insurance reasons. You're untrained and could be a liability to the ship and crew.

Paying as a passenger might be different but it would be really expensive and time consuming.

Danquart 17 Jul 2007 13:27

the times they are a changing.... but...?
Hi, :thumbup1:
in 75 I presented myself in the harbour of Buenas Aires, said to the armed guard :gunsmilie: that my brother worked on board of a norwegian Olson line ship I had seen in the Docks, gave the guard the last valuable I had, a packet of cigarettes, and entered the harbour with permission:shifty: . Met the first officer of the noruegian ship, told him of my travells and my total broke economical situation, and that I had to get back to Denmark:crying:. I said I could do any kind of work onboard and I became a "workaway"with papers and all:welcome: . Was·nt paid but for 3 months I had my own cabin, the best food You can imagine, great nights in the harbours we entered!!!!:clap: and all I did was.... paint the whole bloody 10.000 ton boat!!!!:blink: :sweatdrop:
I am not sure if this method is still on but I would definitely give it a try. Most things can still be done with a little luck and a lot of charm?:wink3:
Good luck and give us a smile, love and peace.
Cheers .... Dan:tongue_smilie:

Caminando 17 Jul 2007 14:29

A good idea and trip, Dan - but it was 32 years ago!!!

oldbmw 17 Jul 2007 21:23

Due to a recent change in maritime law, many cargo ships now take a very small ( 2-3) number of passengers. Some of teh more popular ones charge a lot. others dont.

motoman415 18 Jul 2007 14:52

Working Passage

I wish that it were that easy today, but in the post 9/11 world, things have changed.

Any vessel taking departure or (especially) arrival in the US will be thoroughly vetted. This includes crew lists provided to Homeland Security (US Coast Guard) by the shipping company to allow for background checks and/or confirmation of identities of the signed on crew. It is not even possible in the US to gain access to the ship without proper documentation.

Sadly, in the 1st world in is no longer possible to simply show up at the head of the ships gangway and sign on as an ordinary seaman, wiper or food handler and work off the passage. In the developing world, well, who knows...It may be possible between some far-flung, off-the-beaten track ports, but I would not base travel plans upon that foundation.

In the US, an entry level seaman should plan on at least 6-12 weeks of leadtime, if applying for an original Merchant Mariners Document that would allow you to apply for work either through a national union or directly with the shipping company. In most cases, an entry level employee would not be granted privileges in terms of shipboard transportation of personal vehicles, senior officers are another story.

The days of casual labor in the maritime industry should be considered history.

I wish that it were different, but I would just work a little overtime in your current position and fly you and the bike to where you want to ride, it is afterall, all about the ride.

Good uck

Danquart 18 Jul 2007 18:47

Treetop and time flyer.
Hi - and by jolly how time fly·s!
It seems as if it were but yesterday!
Captains still want labour for free so perhaps a passenger officially but in truth a "workaway"?
Apart for the fact that Michelle has the advantage of being a female!
Nobody will ever convince me that that is·nt - still - a plus! Sorry!


Originally Posted by Caminando (Post 143749)
A good idea and trip, Dan - but it was 32 years ago!!!

Chris of Motocross Africa 18 Jul 2007 22:08

Dan, I'm confused. I thought you were only 35 now so how did you manage to paint the whole ship when you were barely walking


Danquart 18 Jul 2007 23:14

Now that·s a real friend!
Hi there:thumbup1: and a special hi there :thumbup: to You Christopher, my dear boy.
Yes, I know that my looks:1eye: , or is it my behaviour :tt2: make people misjudge my age, but normally its in the opposite dirction ; 75 not 35....:crying::wheelchair:
But You are ever so kind and I will not forget to buy You the Dakar for your 16 years birthday, as promissed. Yeah....:whistling:
Love and peace
Uncle Dan:tongue_smilie:


Originally Posted by Chris of Motocross Africa (Post 143970)
Dan, I'm confused. I thought you were only 35 now so how did you manage to paint the whole ship when you were barely walking


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