Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Watering Hole (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/watering-hole/)
-   -   Tow Bar vehicle recovery is dangerous! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/watering-hole/tow-bar-vehicle-recovery-dangerous-101936)

Surfy 24 May 2021 15:01

Tow Bar vehicle recovery is dangerous!

Never use the tow ball for recovery. You never know before, how much power will be necessary.


The article is too available in german language.

backofbeyond 24 May 2021 21:15

I really don’t like being patronised by this kind of clickbait teaser video. If there’s an issue with hooking a rope around a tow hitch then don’t just tell me it’s dangerous like you’re talking down to a five year old who doesn’t really understand anything. Explain to me why it’s dangerous, how I should be doing it and what else to look out for. Otherwise it’s worthless as a video and only useful as a revenue driver like the rest of the ‘omg, you won’t believe what they look like now’ dross.

Surfy 25 May 2021 06:22

I did choose this Video, because it did shows too, how it would be right. :thumbup1:

As usually - it is more at the end.

These 5-6 reports of deadly accidents hopefully helps, that people do follow the link to a guideline of safe(er) 4x4 recovery (at the end of the article).


markharf 25 May 2021 06:38

Seems to me that if the goal here is to encourage safe recovery operations, these could be easily described, e.g., don't let a bunch of plastic humanoids hang around in the line of fire, do some hand-digging beforehand, and don't yank on the recovery strap at full velocity. Yes, there's more, but this is much of what I caught while scrolling impatiently thru the rather interminable video.

If the goal is to drive traffic to another site, well....you know what to do. You probably also know that this is frowned upon--not just here, but pretty much everywhere.

Those are my opinions alone, and quite knee-jerk at that. Nonetheless, I hope they're helpful.

TheWarden 25 May 2021 11:49


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 620443)
If the goal is to drive traffic to another site, well....you know what to do. You probably also know that this is frowned upon--not just here, but pretty much everywhere.

Everyone of the OP's posts contains links to drive traffic to his website.

Rapax 26 May 2021 12:04


Originally Posted by Cholo (Post 620438)

The video refers to a snatch rope which is a completely desperate way to release a truck from sticky mud, where you speed up, the special rope stretches and then gives the stuck vehicle an almighty tug, it is always dangerous, and having children or any people that close is stupid. same as for a winch.

I remember when I was at the driving school in the late 80s our teacher gave us a practical lesson how to tow another vehicle and what safety meassures have to be taken for people all around.
I also learned at what points on vehicle I can attach a rope safely on. My teacher explained very detailed that we always have to be aware of an explosiv ripping of the tow rope or of flying parts of broken metall shakles.
Don`t know if this a typical german thing or if it is still in the course of instructions today. But knowing this saved at least 2 times in the past other people on scene when the tow rope ripped suddenly.

Your Mileage May Vary 26 May 2021 16:42

4wd vehicle recovery
On a more productive note, Robert Pepper, an automotive journalist and overlander in Australia, has a YouTube channel, much of which is dedicated to 4WD vehicle driving and recovery. He takes the time to explain in a way that even I can understand. I find him quite educational.

I'm sure others have their favourite resources they can point to.

You'll find Robert Pepper's channel » here «.

Disclaimer » We have the same first names, but otherwise I am not affiliated with Robert Pepper or his YouTube channel.

Toyark 4 Jun 2021 13:09

Chaps, you need understand that Surfy just likes to redirect traffic to his website (ad nauseatum doh:innocent:) any way he can.
Else why not share useful info on here?

That's my take (and he isn't welcome at my camp fire...)

TheWarden 4 Jun 2021 14:47


Originally Posted by Toyark (Post 620656)
Chaps, you need understand that Surfy just likes to redirect traffic to his website (ad nauseatum doh:innocent:) any way he can.
Else why not share useful info on here?

That's my take (and he isn't welcome at my camp fire...)

Not just on this forum either. The posts are also mostly content taken from others like the videos in the link above. I thought there were rule here about such posts

Surfy 7 Jun 2021 13:43


Originally Posted by Toyark (Post 620656)
Else why not share useful info on here?

You can go trough my past entrys - and you can device by yourself, if I`m doing that or not.

Also with that "towball case" i did try to collect more informatons than just a video, if you look after it with open eyes.


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 620657)
Not just on this forum either. The posts are also mostly content taken from others like the videos in the link above. I thought there were rule here about such posts

Some here probably also dont understand how Youtube works. You can set on any Video if it could be linked, get embedded or not. Yes, the guy who upload it, decide what happens. Cool stuff or? And, always the video uploader get payed, not that guy who link to it.


davidg888 21 Jan 2022 11:05

its called a towball not a recovery ball , cant fix stupid people, also vehicle tie down point are not called recovery points, if stupid people spent 1 minute on the phone to any 4wd shop they would learn something that will save maybe there life but others also

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