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TheOverlanders 22 Jan 2015 21:01

Why travel with a Land Rover
Have a quick read of this:

Why Travel with a Land Rover
Why Travel With A Land Rover?! — The Overlanders

What do you reckon? Sums it up fairly well?

What is your experiences of travelling with a Landy?

Stay safe and try not to get lost
Gwyn & Linzi
The Overlanders
The Overlanders

Walkabout 23 Jan 2015 13:47


Originally Posted by TheOverlanders (Post 493021)
What do you reckon? Sums it up fairly well?

Yes, you have written a decent case for the LR which goes beyond the common arguments about the technical aspects.
Your affinity to the oval badge is clearly expressed.

Thimba 23 Jan 2015 14:07

I just returned from a 10 month trip all around Africa with my Defender 110 Tdi. And yes, I had a few break downs, but the "TinTin in Africa" feeling was very strong!
It's all emotion, in the end. Defender drivers greet each other all over the world! That's not the case with other 4x4's.



Walkabout 23 Jan 2015 14:15


Originally Posted by Thimba (Post 493091)
Defender drivers greet each other all over the world! That's not the case with other 4x4's.



Just out of curiosity, how do you guys meet and greet folks who are driving a Discovery, with or without a 200/300tdi engine under the bonnet/hood?

Thimba 23 Jan 2015 19:12


Originally Posted by Walkabout (Post 493092)
Just out of curiosity, how do you guys meet and greet folks who are driving a Discovery, with or without a 200/300tdi engine under the bonnet/hood?

Perhaps I will be blacklisted on some Dutch Land Rover forums for this, but:

in Holland it's only real Land Rovers (that is: Defenders) that greet each other :D

Cheers, and happy travels!


Walkabout 23 Jan 2015 19:46

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Thimba (Post 493126)
Perhaps I will be blacklisted on some Dutch Land Rover forums for this, but:

in Holland it's only real Land Rovers (that is: Defenders) that greet each other :D

Cheers, and happy travels!



It is not much different to some motorcyclists then; not that this is a problem.

Hardly Dangerous riders who have the special wave that is delivered only to other HD riders for example. :rofl:

James Rothwell 25 Jan 2015 04:17

To me there is nothing more frustrating than an unreliable vehicle.
I've never owned a Defender (few of my friends have and love them) but I have owned a few Discoverys both petrol and diesel and didn't really warm to any of them, although I did have a manual TD5 which managed to take quite a beating offroad which impressed me.

But honestly I've never found the appeal of buying a Landy, if they were very cheap then maybe I could see the value in it but for the same money I could buy a Landcruiser that would be without a doubt more reliable (even LR owners would agree with me I'm sure) and it would be more comfortable too.

But each to their own, as long as your overlanding I don't really care what you're doing it in as long as you enjoy it and you take lots of photos and videos to share with the world! :)

EDIT - Your comment on your website "The constant problems with Dougal and especially the unpredicted costs associated with him." sums up why I wouldn't take an old Landy. You fix one thing and then something else breaks almost immediately.

TheWarden 25 Jan 2015 10:30

A nice article however I do think that the same could be said about other vehicles. The article could easily cover TLC drivers with changing one little word :D.

IMHO any vehicle with strong owners communities will go out of their way to help each other, I experienced the same with my old ford car and seen similar tales on some of the landcruiser sites

When I'm travelling I wave and any fellow overlanders no matter how they are travelling. Always surprised when it doesn't get acknowledged. I'd also help out anyone in trouble as much as I could

Overland Tonka 25 Jan 2015 12:12

Good read...

I too don't care what people drive. We are all travelling.

My personal choice is Toyota...i have driven many LR's from brand new Defenders to very old ones..to various Discovery's, Freelander's and new Range Rovers..

Not one of them did i like and a lot i hated....but wouldn't life be boring without differences!!!?? Personal taste has nothing to do with the person.

We too wave at all overlanders and i have to say most LR drivers do not wave back....this won't stop us waving at them...:D

eurasiaoverland 25 Jan 2015 13:28

Personally I travel to see other cultures and meet local people there, meeting other travellers is secondary, though also nice.

A vehicle needs to be reliable, I am using it to get from A to B, I am not marrying it. Therefore I do not drive a LR.

First a traveller, then a (whatever) driver.


Walkabout 25 Jan 2015 17:36


Originally Posted by James Rothwell (Post 493262)

EDIT - Your comment on your website "The constant problems with Dougal and especially the unpredicted costs associated with him." sums up why I wouldn't take an old Landy. You fix one thing and then something else breaks almost immediately.

It seems to be a feature of owning a LR Defender that masses of TLC is dispensed on the vehicle, or they are just run into the ground. It's my impression that for the oldish Discoveries, far less of them receive TLC.
This particular LR is no exception to the TLC scenario. It may even be receiving an exceptional level of attention:-
Along the way the name has changed from Dougal to Kermit; as my daughter would say, it has had a makeover, rather like the TV celebrities get at regular intervals.

EDIT: in view of the two posts that follow this one, I should emphasise that my TLC, as used in this post, definitely = tender loving care!

tacr2man 25 Jan 2015 18:30


Originally Posted by Cleland (Post 493315)
Slightly off subject.
When Grant threatened to join the Land Rover and Toyota forums + others ;I was afraid of this.
Any Land Rover lover now has to put up with the constant badgering by Toy owners.

Toyota owners know our point of view..
Land Rover owners, especially Defender owners don't care about Toy owner's opinions.

Grant keep us apart, if not these posts are a continuous waste of time.:(

.....You ask for advice on a Landy subject and what do you get; "buy a Toy"

Please notice that this does only happens on the bike side if a BMW is involved:cool4:

have to agree , if anyone comes on with a personal vehicle predjudice answer along such lines maybe a bit of deletion by a mod would soon get the idea over and set things up for the future :thumbup1:

Walkabout 25 Jan 2015 18:50


Originally Posted by Cleland (Post 493315)
Slightly off subject.

Please notice that this does only happens on the bike side if a BMW is involved:cool4:

The analogy had crossed my mind also, but I decided to stay away from it.

Not only have the LR and LR issues been drawn together but thrown into that "stew" are all of the other threads about other light-weight vehicles that used to be in the forum of the same/similar name: "other vehicle tech" or something like that.
Post number 102 in the link refers:-

Walkabout 25 Jan 2015 19:08


Originally Posted by TheOverlanders (Post 493021)

What do you reckon? Sums it up fairly well?

It is more than "fairly well".
I have just re-read the article and it is even better for a second time around.


Originally Posted by Thimba (Post 493091)
It's all emotion, in the end.

The OP, on second reading, has produced an ode to the LR; a veritable love letter.
After all this is Burn's night!


Originally Posted by TheWarden (Post 493272)
A nice article however I do think that the same could be said about other vehicles. The article could easily cover TLC drivers with changing one little word :D.

Maybe, but I don't see it: I can pick up loads of emotion and gushing enthusiasm for LRs from all sorts of directions but LC owners don't seem to do that, not even on Burn's night!
"Technical superiority" enthusiasm is about as far as it goes for LC owners.
Maybe it is just a UK thing?

TheWarden 25 Jan 2015 19:19


Originally Posted by Walkabout (Post 493324)
Maybe, but I don't see it: I can pick up loads of emotion and gushing enthusiasm for LRs from all sorts of directions but LC owners don't seem to do that, not even on Burn's night!
"Technical superiority" enthusiasm is about as far as it goes for LC owners.
Maybe it is just a UK thing?

Its there in many countries especially the UK, US and Australia for the LC's. As I said I've also experienced brand camaraderie with my long term involvement in the ford scene. VW owners help each other out across the planet.

I am a LC owner but only a little prado. On my travels I've noticed I don't get a wave from 80 series drivers (mines not a proper LC:(), LR (its a Toyota), Bikers (its a 4x4) and organised groups from a particular European country. But I do get waves from the majority of people I see :D

PS Its a shame some needed to start the LC/LR debate :nono:

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