Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   World trip / sabbatical - what is the ideal age? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/watering-hole/world-trip-sabbatical-what-ideal-101733)

Snakeboy 13 Apr 2021 01:19


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 618859)

Because tomorrow might be too late.

These words are so true so I have to quote Touring Ted once again.

One of the nicest, friendliest and most helpful persons I met during my 5 year RTW trip, who I rode together with for some weeks in south America, who I had dinner and drinks with, who I camped with on many occations, who I shared a shabby room with right in the middle of nowhere in the Pampas of Chubut province of Argentina, who I shared many a stories with - and who also generously hosted me for a few nights in his home a couple of years later when I passed through his part of the world has now got the terrible disease ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease) It means he soon will loose most of his strength and will need help with all daily needs. And in the end also he will need breathing aid. Average life span after diagnosed is 3-5 years. Horrible that is!

So remember to live while your alive....one day it will be too late.

Surfy 14 Apr 2021 16:26


Originally Posted by Snakeboy (Post 619447)
terrible disease ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease) It means he soon will loose most of his strength and will need help with all daily needs. And in the end also he will need breathing aid. Average life span after diagnosed is 3-5 years. Horrible that is!

So sad to read that! Hope he can make the best out of his time here!

Yes, there are many people who are pass away early. But just focus on them, will be missleading...

The life expectancy in switzerland is
81,4 years for man
85,4 years for women

Yeah you can always life the "yolo" lifestyle. Yolo can be discussed very differently too:


in the longer run, yup!

For this instant, Nope.

“I am going to jump from this 10 feet wall, because YOLO!” - NO.

“I am going to quit this job this very instant and got to Laddakh because YOLO!” - NO.

“I'll save these 5000 bucks because I want to go to Laddakh and because YOLO!” - YO!

“I'll drink till I vomit every weekend because YOLO!” - NO.

“I'll meet my friends for a drink every alternate weekend because YOLO!’ -YO!

“I'll buy that dress/watch/gadget that costs me more than my monthly income because YOLO!” - NO.

“I'll watch every episode of FRIENDS today because YOLO!” -NO.

“I'll do stupid things because YOLO!” - NOOOO.

You see, YOLO is a good concept to try something new, something courageous but it is not an explanation for every stupid thing you want to do.

LOL is a better concept to live by, everyday.

FYI, LOL means Live Out Loud (here).
found @ https://www.quora.com/Is-YOLO-a-good-motto-for-my-life


davidg888 21 Jan 2022 11:03

there is no ideal age, do it when it suits you and only you it your life go live it and stop worrying about what others do and want you to do

you could get cancer next week and die within 3 months or 6 months etc, people always say need to wait for this and that and blah blah, just plan your trip work everything out then go, while I'm simplifying it to show u nothing is that difficult, its ur life do what you want with it when u want to do it, there will always be someone that has a good reason why you shouldn't and time is not going to come and see you to say hey man you have worked hard here have 12 months of if you don't make the time and the decision it will never happen

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