Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Chatroom for the HUBBERS (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/website-feedback/chatroom-for-the-hubbers-27988)

webmistress 2 Jul 2007 21:35

Chatroom for the HUBBERS
:icon16: Not sure if it has been suggested before but how about a chatroom on the site?
There is plenty of lively debate and some threads go on and on so I thought maybe a live chatroom would be a good idea for hubbers to chat in realtime.
It would help peeps hook up and discuss in detail.....and better than those horrible msn or yahoo messenger thingies.

Newbie ready to be shot down in flames!!


PS I thought veteran traveller meant you were all old men until I read a recent thread on the subject.

Grant Johnson 3 Jul 2007 09:55

Suggestions/ideas always appreciated!

Thought about and discussed - and not at this time.

Several reasons:
  1. Too much GOOD info gets lost - there's no archive, and our search is heavily used to find all sorts of info archived on the site already.
  2. Bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth. We haven't got enough and it's expensive.
  3. Our webhost won't allow it.
someday maybe...

oldbmw 3 Jul 2007 15:13

problem solved.
Grant, there is an easy answer to this.
set up a chatroom on Dalnet, Free, takes a few minutes.
Set logging on to record all the info.
that solves it.

Thought about and discussed - and not at this time.

Several reasons:

1. Too much GOOD info gets lost - there's no archive, and our search is heavily used to find all sorts of info archived on the site already.
2. Bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth. We haven't got enough and it's expensive.
3. Our webhost won't allow it.

someday maybe...

MarkE 3 Jul 2007 15:27

Don't do it - I'm too weak
I already spend too much of my employer's time on HU. If you open a chatroom I would never get any work done, then I'd get fired, then I'd never save enough for the trip I'm planning.:ban:

Either that, or they would identify the chatroom and block it, and all related sites, so I couldn't spend time on HU while waiting for colleagues to deliver the answers to questions I was promised for three hours ago.

jkrijt 3 Jul 2007 20:54

I agree with Grant. His first point, "Too much GOOD info gets lost" would be a real loss. Even if you are on-line all day during office hours :-) you would miss a lot because the HUBB is timezone independend but a chatroom is realtime so there will always discussions going on that you miss.

Smellybiker 30 Jul 2007 23:20

I have a server from fastservers.net & it comes with 1500Gb of bandwidth a month. Costs $250 & not shared so I can do whatever I like.

Great service & worth every cent.


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 141853)
[*]Bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth. We haven't got enough and it's expensive.[*]Our webhost won't allow it.

Grant Johnson 1 Aug 2007 11:54

Our server isn't shared either, it's our own box - in fact we have two full boxes - but the webhost still restricts chat rooms because they suck so much bandwidth from the whole facility. Not ideal, but I'm not interested in chatrooms anyway - as noted above, too much good stuff is lost and the whole point of HU is the massive archive of info - and nothing has ever been deleted, it's all still there. Currently at 7.5gb.

Our host is futurequest.net - they are awesome for service and backup, they know us well, so we get superb service. Problems fixed in minutes! Not cheap, but reliability is the most important thing.

Walkabout 1 Aug 2007 17:38

For a couple of pennies worth of opinion, I think that it is right as it is; not broken, so don't fix it.

A chatroom facility would be a distraction from riding the bike after all + the archiving of threads is invaluable.

Sophie-Bart 2 Aug 2007 11:30

I totally agree, although I can see the attractions of a chatroom, I to think lots of info will get lost.

Most we can do is creating a real 'general chat' thread for all non bike/travel related chit-chat. With the green dot it's easy to see who is online.
Although you have the 'Travellers' questions that don't fit anywhere else' thread this is mostly used for, you guess ...Travellers' questions that don't fit anywhere else, or which cannot be placed anywere else but are still very much bike/travel related.

my 2p

Grant Johnson 3 Aug 2007 21:06

How about a "General chat" forum?

Pointless Thoughts? ;)

If enough people want an open chat forum, no problem.

Do we want it to stay roughly on mc travel, or have it open topic?

What do you think?

Bill Holland 3 Aug 2007 23:12

Chatroom! no thanks
there must be a million and one chat rooms 'out there'
don't spoil or debase what it an excellent adventure travel site with chit-chat, what's the point?
Bill H

bye the way, does anyone have any information on the best way to grow tomatoes in a polytunnel?, and did you see last night's news?, I just couldn't believe that story about the Australian nuns.......

Walkabout 3 Aug 2007 23:31


Originally Posted by Bill Holland (Post 145950)
there must be a million and one chat rooms 'out there'
don't spoil or debase what it an excellent adventure travel site with chit-chat, what's the point?
Bill H

bye the way, does anyone have any information on the best way to grow tomatoes in a polytunnel?, and did you see last night's news?, I just couldn't believe that story about the Australian nuns.......

Here, here!!
If this is implemented, some people will never get any work done and others will never get away from their computers to ride.

What happened to implementing a forum for cyclists BTW? - Would be much, much more useful.

lorraine 4 Aug 2007 03:12

Though I've been stationary for the past three weeks, most of the time I'm on the road. The threads are great because when I do have wi-fi or whatever, I can catch up on what happened and add my two pence (or not) to threads that might be weeks old. Can't do that with chat stuff....
Be interesting to see what other travellers say.

Osama Radzi 6 Feb 2008 04:45

#4 (permalink) http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...ons/report.gif
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...n/post_old.gif 4th July 2007
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub.../Avatar129.jpgMarkE http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...er_offline.gif
HUBB regular
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Oxford, UK
Posts: 73

Don't do it - I'm too weak
I already spend too much of my employer's time on HU. If you open a chatroom I would never get any work done, then I'd get fired, then I'd never save enough for the trip I'm planning.:ban:

Either that, or they would identify the chatroom and block it, and all related sites, so I couldn't spend time on HU while waiting for colleagues to deliver the answers to questions I was promised for three hours ago.

"same here might get fired!"

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