Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
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-   -   Finally signed up... (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/welcome-to-hu/finally-signed-up-72648)

Jamie Z 10 Oct 2013 10:04

Finally signed up...
I've lurked here off and on for a while. In fact, I was nearly certain that I'd created an account sometime way back, but it appears I never did.

So I finally took the plunge. I've gotten so much help from the advice of Grant and Susan, as well as other people on this site.

Some of you probably know me from ADVrider where I spend a lot of time. I manage the Tent Space list there.

By coincidence, about the time that I signed up here, a good friend of mine started talking to me about taking a round-the-world trip. I thought she was joking at first, but I think she's serious. I bought her a world map tonight and we looked it over while she showed me some of the places she'd like to visit. She said it's something she's wanted to do her whole life, but she's never met anyone else who would go... so we've very tentatively set a plan to leave in the spring of 2015.

You'll see me around more and more, and I hope to contribute too. I have quite a bit of experience in traveling cheaply. :mchappy:


garrydymond 10 Oct 2013 13:33


Welcome to HU. The work you have done on the Tent List on Adv is amazing. I have only used it a couple of times but it was awesome.
Good luck on your RTW.
If you plan on coming to Mexico City please contact us. We will be traveling from now until Feb 2015


Jamie Z 31 Oct 2020 21:56

My first post on HUBB... seven years ago.

We didn't leave in the spring of 2015... :laugh: In fact a few months after my first post here, my prospective traveling partner backed out.

But I have continued to save and hopefully sometime next year I'll be setting out on the trip I started planning for so long ago.


Jamie Z 31 Oct 2020 21:58


Originally Posted by garrydymond (Post 439661)
If you plan on coming to Mexico City please contact us. We will be traveling from now until Feb 2015

Garry, are you still in DF?

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