Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
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-   -   Hello (again) from Spain (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/welcome-to-hu/hello-again-from-spain-91637)

Cal_Ward 3 May 2017 21:14

Hello (again) from Spain
Hello all,

I joined a while ago, about 6 years to be exact, but haven't logged in for a long time so thought I'd reintroduce myself. (Unfortunately, clicking my username doesn't link to my profile but someone else's - hopefully that'll get sorted soon)

I live in Barcelona and am originally from the UK.

When I first joined the HUB, I'd just finished uni and set off to discover the world on a Suzuki SV650s. I got about as far as the South of France before my bike broke down for the third (or maybe fourth - but definitely final) time. Still, the trip was one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things I've ever done and I've often longed to set off on the bike again.

I've been milling around for a bit in various countries doing a string of jobs that have left my CV in a state of chaos.

Now, given that the land of my forefathers and mothers has chosen to vote itself out of the EU, I've decided it's the perfect time to ride to every one of the 28 countries that make up the European Union.

If all goes to plan, I'll be setting off at the beginning of June and going for 4 or 5 months before returning to Barcelona.

This week I handed in my notice at work and just today I've been to a local bike store and traded in my Yamaha Fazer for a Triumph Tiger 800 (picking it up on Tuesday and highly impatient to go for a ride next weekend). So all that's left now is the rest of the planning. And the packing. And quite a bit of tying up loose ends. But you know, after that I'm ready to go.

I'll be hoping to meet up with a lot of people on the way - hopefully some HUBBers - so I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

All the best!


g6snl 3 May 2017 21:37

Welcome back again. Enjoy your trip. :D

Cal_Ward 3 May 2017 22:02

Hello Tim,

Thanks for the welcome!

I see from your profile you've got a fair bit of travelling under your belt already - Russia and the 'Stans have been on my radar for a long time, and I have a friend in Vietnam who keeps asking me to visit. So many places to go it's hard to know where to start.

Determined that this trip won't be followed by another 5 year gap before the next though!

BikerMarvin 4 May 2017 12:23

Welcome. Join the horizons unlimited motorcycle travellers group on Facebook as well.

Gesendet von meinem ONE A2003 mit Tapatalk

Bones667 4 May 2017 13:21

:welcome: Cal and have a great trip on the triumph :mchappy:.

Bones :)

maria41 5 May 2017 13:37

Welcome back to the HUBB!

It might be a bit tight for you but why don't you come to the biggest HU meeting in Europe? It is mid June. It will be well attended and very inspiring with many presentations!

I will be doing a presentation on Russia and Central Asia, if interested. A How to guide covering all logistics and everything needed to organise such a trip. Tips, tricks, shortcuts, ideas, contacts, borders, paper work etc.....

Cal_Ward 5 May 2017 22:16

Hello Maria,

I've just checked the dates - unfortunately in mid-June I'll be in Italy / Greece so won't be able to attend the big HU events which look to be happening in other places.

Now that you've pointed it out though, I see that there's a mini HU event happening in Bulgaria a few weeks later - by chance that coincides very closely with my route and schedule so should be able to get myself there for a night or two if I change my plans by only a couple of days.

I'm sure it won't be the last event I visit so hopefully will get a chance to say hello another time - I'll certainly be needing advice when I do come round to the Russia trip!

Thanks for the tip :thumbup1:

(And thanks for the welcome Tim, Marvin and Bones)

DomNorma 8 May 2017 23:50

Hi there, Have a safe trip. Enjoy your trip

DomNorma 9 May 2017 23:49


Welcome to HorizonsUnlimited! Enjoy your stay here. Hope you find this forum helpful. And have a safe trip back to Barcelona Goodluck!

Cal_Ward 17 May 2017 22:34

Hello Dom,

Thanks for the welcome - all the best!

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