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Tiffany 20 Apr 2011 09:48

Fuel Cards in Iran
HI All
I wanted to check what currently happens with the fuel situation in Iran. Are they still using the fuel card system for foreigners as well?
I've had a look through old threads but can't find anything more recent and relevant.

MikeS 20 Apr 2011 11:34

Hi Tiffany

I was there a couple of years ago so unfortunately don't know the current situation but they were in use then (2008). I'd heard we as tourists needed them but I never got one. It was sometimes problematic in the service stations as they generally wanted a card but I found if I was obstinate enough, someone would eventually let me use theirs for a higher rate than the locals paid (still cheap though, especially compared to Turkey..).

So bottom line is I always got fuel but it generally took a little longer than I'd hope and usually involved causing a bit of a scene. Of course this may well have changed now.

chica diabla 20 Apr 2011 15:55

no problem
We were there last november. Didn't have any problem, no-ne trying to force a card upon us, nobody made a problem at the fuelstation. The locals pay 1000 Rials with their cards, we paid 4000 rials/liter without card which is still very cheap! :thumbup1:

greetz Els

Two for the Road

crazymanneil 20 Apr 2011 16:22

We were in Iran last year. Were meant to have a fuel card but as you'll discover, everyone in Iran is out to help you. We just turned up and shrugged our shoulders when asked about a card. Someone always wanted to help out and often I was not allowed to pay for my diesel!


mcgiggle 20 Apr 2011 18:37

March 2010 not needed, but paid 4000 ltr but still peanuts

estebangc 7 Jun 2011 01:09

No fuel card in 40 days in Iran

40 days in august/september 2010 and never used a card (nor in summer 2008).

We paid 4000/litre as well (1€=13000R at the time, thus around 35 € cents/lt). If i am wrong, correct me, but we "inferred" this:

- Iranians pay 1000/litre till a established quota that depends on their needs (more litres for a truck/taxi driver; less for a regular Iranian).
- Once used all the quota, Iranians start to pay 4000/litre, as you always do as a foreigner.

Thus, just anyone who exceeds his quota could always help you with his card, but we never understood the cards traffic they had when it came our turn. Only once a guy got really confused but he just got someone's else card and we got the fuel easily. As crazymanneil said, they will always help and find the way and you will get petrol at 4000 with no big hassle.

I emphasize this is our best understanding, but may be wrong.

Ah, at the time the government was planning to reduce subsidies to fuel and electricity to increase prices drastically (electricity like 5 times more). Maybe they change their mind with the riots in neighbouring countries...

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