Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   "no objections" letter required from your embassy to ride in India - is that true? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/west-and-south-asia/no-objections-letter-required-your-32651)

karter257 27 Jan 2008 15:15

"no objections" letter required from your embassy to ride in India - is that true?

About to bring my bike into India (via Mumbai) possibly by plane though boat not ruled out.

Does anyone know anything about a 'no objections' letter being required from my countries embassy (UK) giving me permission to ride in India? As the British Embassy here in the UAE want to charge me 470Dirham (about 70 quid = 140$) which seems very expensive.

If I need this letter can I get it from a British Embassy in India cheaper?



the celt 28 Jan 2008 03:22

Hi Paul,
First Ive heard of it, never been asked for
anything like it. In Trichy, Tamil Nadu
at the moment pop down and hello.

Kevin&clara 3 Feb 2008 05:51

flying bike into mumbai
We just flew our bike from istanbul to mumbai on dec. 10.

You will have to take your Carnet to downtown Mumbai to the Indian Automobile Association. They will give you the letter that you need. It costs maybe $5 or $20 dollars I don't remember. The big problem is that it is about a 3 hour roundtrip back to the cargo area due to the traffic. The gentleman at the IAA is very nice and knows exactly the letter you need once you have your carnet. He will send an email to the provider of your carnet to confirm that everything is ok (indian bureaucracy).

Then go back to the Cargo customs terminal which is just up the road from the international terminal. We flew with Lufthansa. They suggested a customs guy who charged us about $120 to do everything. While waiting around in the terminal we figured that we probably could have done the whole process ourselves if we had the patience and the pushiness.

We unpacked the bike on the grounds of the cargo warehouse and rode off in to the madness that is Indian traffic.

The whole process took 2 days. It MIGHT be possible to do if you get to the IAA at 9 am, (after pre-sending an email from your Carnet provider due to time differences), then rush up to cargo and try and go through everything.


(nearly all Indians take bribes)

pecha72 4 Feb 2008 02:47

The only "non-objection" paper regarding our travel in India was an N.O.C., thats a non-objection certificate you get from the police (in our case, the high police commissioner in Chennai). It tells that according to their database, this vehicle isnt reported stolen (I thought it should also report if involved in any accident or incident, but our paper mentioned none of these). You will need this paper to freight your bike onwards from India.

We certainly did NOT need anything from our embassy to ride in India.

karter257 4 Feb 2008 05:04

Thanks Kevin & Clara were these the guys you had to approach:

Western India Automobile Association
Lalji Naranji Memorial Bldg.,
76, Veer Nariman Road,
MUMBAI - 400 020.
Telephone: 2204 1085, 2288 0407, 2204 7032, 2204 1271.

As I just trying to see if I can get the letter without having to do the round trip


Kevin&clara 6 Feb 2008 11:02

those are the guys!

Those are the guys. If you can google earth them, they are on the corner, on the second floor of the building. Unfortunately, the streets don't seem to have sequential numbering so it can be tough to find them. If you are able to get them by phone and get the letter ahead of time that would be great. The gentleman in charge speaks good english.

If you got your carnet through ADAC in Munich, I'm sure the lady there has their email address.

kevin and clara
(motomoments.blogspot.com email at juntoselmundo@gmail.com)

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