Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Philippines/Indonesia rental? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/west-and-south-asia/philippines-indonesia-rental-37092)

CTB 11 Aug 2008 15:21

Philippines/Indonesia rental?
I'm entertaining a couple of options for a Jan. tour. - Vietnam? Philippines? Indonesia? - I can find numerous rental options for Vietnam but am having difficulty finding rental places for the the Philippines and Indonesia? Anyone have info for renting in these places? Any other ride info/experiences would be appreciated.


deaninkl 12 Aug 2008 06:23

CTB, In most tourist areas of Indonesia you can hire small bikes cheaply, but generally Indonesia only import up to 150cc for the msaa market, above that tax is high and is in the hands of specialists shops, and rarely for hire. Having said that a 150cc in Idonesia is as much as you need, as the trafic would not allow speeding and roads are narrow.

In Bali and Yogyakarta to two main tourist areas you can find hire bikes on most main streets, you need an international license or you can get a temp. license at the local police station for a fee. rental is just a few US$ a day. Out side of those cities its still possible but you need to look harder.

I have no experience of the Phillipines.

dogito66 21 Aug 2008 15:42

rental bikes in the philippines
the same situation in the philippines like in indonesia. the biggest bike you could rent there is a honda XR200, not bad though...
this bike is made in the philippines and you can find parts almost every where for it.


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