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-   -   Safe road Turkey to Iran (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/west-and-south-asia/safe-road-turkey-to-iran-87247)

Horserider 15 Apr 2016 21:40

Safe road Turkey to Iran
I asked the OMM (Turkish motorclub One Mile More) for information to go east and pass the border of Iran. This is their answer/advise and may be interesting for more people:

The situation east of Gaziantep and Urfa is fluid and it changes almost daily. Last time I was in the area was October 2015 and border with Iran and area Van-Dogubeyazit-Kars had no problems with only restrictions on night riding.
Custom Turkey -Iran was open with the usual long lines.
Armenia border was declared open but I did not go there.
I am sending now requests to fellow OMM riders asking for most update information; still it will all change by the time you'll be here West of the line Urfa Malatya Erzurum Kars the riding is extremely safe and this year prices will be very favourable (we expect the worst season for touring in the last twenty years )

Next message:

As expected no one of OMM riders has info on the Armenian border. Sorry.
For Iran I have a report from one rider not older than a week. You will find it below. Take into account that the situation may change at any time.

Gürbulak border to Iran is clear.
He can take the Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum-Ağrı route to cross the Gürbulak border to Iran. He should stay on main roads and travel on daytime. He should avoid Tunceli and Bingöl area. We do not recommend him to stop over at Doğubeyazıt. The last spot to stay for the night can be Erzurum and and there should be no problems if he rides directly to the border from Erzurum.

While riding to Gürbulak, right after he passes Doğubeyazıt he will see the magnificent Mount Ararat, which will seem very close and that may tempt him to take the village roads towards the mountain. We strongly recommend him to fight this temptation and stay on the main road. Also he might also want to see the Noah's Arc; that is not wise either.

If he has time, he can visit Ishak Pasha Palace at Doğubeyazıt. He will not have any problems at Doğubeyazıt city center and Ishak Pasha Road.

daviddgz 16 Jun 2016 23:34

Thanks for sharing, I will add this to my route tips! When are you doing this route?

daviddgz 2 Nov 2016 12:05

After 3 weeks in Turkey and I have to say that I never felt unsafe on the roads, I rode some secondary roads like the Phyrigian Valley and it was always safe and people were nice, specially on the east.

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