Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   West and South Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/west-and-south-asia/)
-   -   Selling our motorcycles in Mongolia ? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/west-and-south-asia/selling-our-motorcycles-in-mongolia-97442)

Clairette de Die Hub 22 Feb 2019 11:29

Selling our motorcycles in Mongolia ?
Hello from France, bier

We are Hubert and Lylian, nous are planning to make a great expedition with Honda and Moto Journal (french motorcycles mag).

We would like to sell our motorbikes in Mongolia, in order to continue by the train to Pekin (Beijing).

Do you have informations about it, selling the bikes (Honda) in Mongolia ? (Espacially regarding to the customs and border issues).

Bikers greetings,

Our website : https://nicolsmotor.fr/

The NMC Team

Tomkat 22 Feb 2019 13:36

When you enter the country you make a customs declaration that you will take your bikes out again. If you sell them there, Mongolian customs will chase you for import duty, and possibly penalties.

Clairette de Die Hub 23 Feb 2019 17:52

Maybe there is a way of writing papers about it, making it possible to get out of the country without having to pay penalties (these import duties) at the border ?

For example someone told us, if we give the bike to a charity of Mongolia.

Thank you :innocent:

gbolor 30 Mar 2019 15:30

Pm sent, i am interested in buying your bikes in Mongolia. Please let me know if you are willing to sell them. Thanks

Daze55556 23 Nov 2019 20:56

I sold a bike to another traveller in Ulanbaator and flew out no problems

Trich1237 13 Jul 2020 07:31


Originally Posted by Daze55556 (Post 606451)
I sold a bike to another traveller in Ulanbaator and flew out no problems

Can you share the details of this, please?

I am hoping to ride from Germany to Mongolia and will likely be riding a German registered bike. I'd like to sell it if possible and would like to hear the process you went through.


Old-n-slo 14 Aug 2020 21:34


Originally Posted by Trich1237 (Post 612897)
Can you share the details of this, please?

I am hoping to ride from Germany to Mongolia and will likely be riding a German registered bike. I'd like to sell it if possible and would like to hear the process you went through.


Following the answer to this question as well!:helpsmilie:

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