Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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cardpostale 28 Nov 2013 06:25

shipping from SEA to Australia
Hi everyone!
We are currently in Darjeeling, India and heading to Thailand through Myanmar. We are looking for the best solution to ship the bike from SEA to Australia (ideally Darwin) in a bit more than one month.
Who has some information and reliable contacts to give us?
Thank you very much,
Cardpostale | A honeymoon around the world

TravellingStrom 28 Nov 2013 13:41

No idea on shipping by sea but air into Darwin will not be possible for bikes due to plane size restrictions

By air into Brisbane or Perth from KL is cheapish

Sorry if I misunderstood and you want sea transport

cardpostale 28 Nov 2013 15:12

shipping by air is fine with me. Do you have contacts for quotations from KL to Perth?
Thanks Guillaume

pecha72 1 Dec 2013 20:48

There should be a cargo shipping line from Singapore to Dili (East Timor) to Darwin. It used to be operated by Perkins Shipping, but I believe now it is known as Toll Marine Logistics. You can´t go on that boat yourself, you need to fly.

I´ve shipped by air from Bali to Perth, but that was expensive.

(And BTW, I´m sure more than a few people here would like to know the details, how you have arranged to go from India to Thailand overland.)

Hemuli 2 Dec 2013 07:32

Yes, Toll Marine Logistics works from Singapore.
Getting bike out in Darwin is faster if you ship your bike from Singapore (compared to that you ship your bike from Dili).


Originally Posted by pecha72 (Post 445494)
There should be a cargo shipping line from Singapore to Dili (East Timor) to Darwin. It used to be operated by Perkins Shipping, but I believe now it is known as Toll Marine Logistics. You can´t go on that boat yourself, you need to fly.

I´ve shipped by air from Bali to Perth, but that was expensive.

(And BTW, I´m sure more than a few people here would like to know the details, how you have arranged to go from India to Thailand overland.)

cardpostale 4 Dec 2013 12:07

Thanks everyone!
no one has a recent experience of shipping the bike by plane from Malaysia to Australia ;-(?
And concerning crossing Myanmar, I will write a complete post when we'll have done it and we are sure our plan works...

trackdayrider 4 Dec 2013 18:19

Very interested in how you get on as I plan to do the same late November next year..

A friend of mine in melbourne advised against travelling in Aus northern territory this time of year so I plan to travel to Perth and take the great ocean road along the south coast.

So shipping from Singapore/Malaysia/Jakarta or wherever fits best is my preference...

Some shipping contacts would be useful.. A quick internet search produced Cargomaster.com.au Not sure if they will be ny help to you?

TravellingStrom 14 Dec 2013 00:45


Originally Posted by cardpostale (Post 445803)
Thanks everyone!
no one has a recent experience of shipping the bike by plane from Malaysia to Australia ;-(?


Yes, I did it in April. But, you can only fly to a major city, I chose Brisbane as it was in my state. There are no flights that can take bikes into Darwin, the planes are too small.

Look in the SHIPPING section, you will find many examples


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