Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   1200 GS or 1150GS??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/which-bike/1200-gs-or-1150gs-5091)

mbreunig 25 Aug 2005 06:07

1200 GS or 1150GS???
Selling the sport tourer (1200LT) and going to dual sport. Road the new 1200GS and loved it, but wanted to get some input on the 1150GS as well. I'm not made of money and no one is giving the 1200's away just yet.

Would love any pro/con comments from owners of either bike.

Sierra-rider Loomis CA

SHAKABRA 25 Aug 2005 16:09

Hey i have a r1200gs and i can tell you i love it i do around 800miles a week on it i cant give a comment about the 1150 but i can say that the 1200 is alot lighter and i think its a real good bike to ride very comfortable im planning a trip from the uk to oz next year on it and the road handeling is so good i had a harley davidson before this a v-rod and i can say im glad ive got the bmw now yes the cost but hey its worth your money

JoHS 20 Sep 2005 18:10

Try this one:

Tim Cullis 20 Sep 2005 18:24

Not surprisingly 12GS owners love the bike, 1150GS owners prefer the older model. I've done 16k miles since last October on my 12GS including Morocco and the Alps/Dolomites.


mcdarbyfeast 1 Oct 2005 14:41

Owned a 1200GS until very recently. Fantastic bike for the road but, I wouldn't recommend it for an overland trip in a million years, at least not unless you could take a diagnostic computer and Motorad back up crew with you. Much better to stick to an old airhead, simple and fairly easy to repair when it goes wrong. Even better than that would be to take a Jap bike: AT/XR/TA/XT and leave the tool kit at home altogether (that was a tongue in cheek comment but, you get my drift!) LB.

vincent danna 1 Oct 2005 20:49

the 12gs adventure is coming soon , see :

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