Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Hovis 4 Mar 2007 20:09

Advice needed
Hello Folks,
well although i've been reading this web site for some time this is my first question,i currently ride a big Heavy road bike and last year went over and toured around Norway,Sweden and Finland,now my bike is comfy,smooth and great for long distance work,problem is whilst riding especially in Finland i kept seeing lots of dirt roads leading off main roads down to lakes ect and really wanted to explore,trouble is a fully loaded 1200cc bike just was not the bike to do it on !!!!!!,
What i really want is a reliable air cooled dual purpose bike ,i was thinking the two big favourites DR 650 or XT600E,
Which is the more reliable and easy to maintain ??????,
Any advice greatly received,


Iskaa 4 Mar 2007 20:32

Not so much advice, just saying it looks like you can ride whatever you want to get it done.


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