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jgorgens 24 Jul 2005 01:36

AfricaTwin vs V-Strom 650
Dear all

After much deliberation I've limited my choice for my next bike to a (used) AfricaTwin or (new) Suzuki Dl650 V-Strom. If anyone has comments on the "go-anywhere" ability of these bikes, I'd appreciate it.

I will use the bike most of the time on the road, some of which with a passenger. However, I would also like to have a bike that can do gravel roads, and travel anything that a car can do.

At the moment I like the V-Strom better for its more comfort and better power. I don't know whether it can really go everywhere the AfricaTwin can. Any real-world experience would be helpful!

Thanks a lot
South Africa

Margus 24 Jul 2005 01:40

"Go anywhere"?

In my point of view:

Stock V-Strom - no.
Stock Africa Twin - yes.


V-Strom - no spoked wheels, oil radiator in worst place, lot of vulnereable plastics and parts.

You may add tuning modifications for Strom, but still i think it's more road-oriented bike than Africa Twin. AF also has lot of proven reliability history that "fresh and new" V-Strom on the market yet don't seem to have...

Sadly Honda doesn't produce the ATs anymore. But there's lot of slightly used ones with very good price out there.

But thats just my view, others may have different, Margus

[This message has been edited by Margus (edited 24 July 2005).]

electric_monk 25 Jul 2005 04:17

Stop beating about the bush Marcus.
The Africa Twin is on Off-Road bike even if it is a bit on the heavy side. The V-Strom is NOT an Off-Road bike.
There is no comparison in any real sense of the word

The electric monk always has faith.

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