Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Iain 27 Sep 2005 19:19

Do people rate the Transalp for Central/South America
Do people rate the Honda Transalp for Central/South America?

Punki-MunKi 27 Sep 2005 20:35

I like them, but it could be a bit heavy.

[This message has been edited by Punki-MunKi (edited 27 September 2005).]

PaulJ 29 Sep 2005 20:28

True it's not the lightest bike but for pure reliability and a beautiful, comfortable ride, you are on a safe bet!

Heavier but more comfy (and IMHO more reliable) than some big singles but much lighter than one of the big beemers!

Africa Trip web journal

Simon Kennedy 29 Sep 2005 21:31

Yeah, bigger than you need really, although that depends on your preferences.

It is great on the the long stretches on the Pan Am though.

I would say something in the 300 - 400 range would be about right, but the TA would do just fine.

One advantage, is that they sell them in Argentina and Chile, so spares are easy to find. Of course you never need them with this bike.... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

If you have one already, and like it, stick with it.


mika 30 Sep 2005 16:45

good choice



martync 30 Sep 2005 22:07

100% reliable no matter what you throw at it and easily modified to take off a bit of weight/bulk

Iain 30 Sep 2005 22:08

What would you take off to lighten it!

Simon Kennedy 30 Sep 2005 23:52

The soft steel exhaust is heavy heavy. Get an aftermarket.

I would also take off the big plastic side farings and keep them safe at home. You don't need them.

Same goes for the rear indicators - useless outside the rich world.

The left rear side panel could stay at home also. And maybe the right mirror.

The extention to the rear subframe, that carries the rear rack, can come off too, depending on your lugagge system.

Have a look at the first pages of my blog on this site for other suggestions. This site has lots of good stuff too:


So is it the TA for you?


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