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ekaphoto 10 Dec 2003 02:21

Expermintal Bike
I caught a clip of Mail Call last night on the history channel. It had a segment on the history of military motorcycles. It talked about the curreny US Marine diesel KLR 650, but they are also experminting with a modified KLR that is multi fuel. That means it can burn gas, diesel, kerosine etc. Here is the best part, the milage is 110 miles per gallon. Anyone know more about this bike? Knowing the US Govt they paid out the nose for it, but it would be intresting to ride one.


wallsts 10 Dec 2003 03:54

You have probably already been to these websites, but i thought i'd pass them along. Both have pictures of the heavily modified bike and some interesting info is contained in both. Hope that helps






ekaphoto 10 Dec 2003 06:43

Actually I haden't seen the articles on the military bikes. Thanks for the info. now how to get one Hummmmm.....


Timo 11 Dec 2003 01:12

I believe the enfield was produced in a diesle as well.... all of 10 HP but great fuel economy.

beddhist 11 Dec 2003 05:54

The only diesel bikes you can buy are based on - you guessed it - the Indian Enfield. The biggest is an 850 with about 20 HP. See http://www.centaurus.de/ (in German). For diesel bike fans there is http://dieselkrad.tk

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


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