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niceguyeddie 26 Dec 2008 13:38

Falcon NX4 or Transalp
Hi, I am living in Salta, Argentina and want to buy a bike that I can use for short trips to the surrounding mountainous areas in the Salta and Jujuy provinces. I am also planning a trip around the whole of Argentina next year sometime.

I have around £4000 - £4500 to spend and have narrowed it down to a brand new Falcon NX4 or a second hand Transalp. What you guys think? Btw..I haven't rode a bike in about 20 years if it makes any difference...

Thanks for any replies.

xfiltrate 27 Dec 2008 00:17

I know an expert in Salta - Frank
niceguyeddie, you are in luck, one of the best adventure guides who knows most things motorcycle, and much more.... lives in and operates WayraChaKi Excursiones en Moto from Salta. His name is Frank and you can communicate with him in his native German, Spanish or English.... he is fluent in all three languages and is one of the best and most well informed motorcycle guides in Argentina.

My opinion, after 21,000 K and 6 South American countries is that a new NX400 Honda Falcon has what it takes for South America.

I would not advise 2 up with gear on a Falcon. I never attempted that. But if you buy new, you will have the 12,000 K or one year warranty. Elisa did the same trip on her XR250 Honda Tornado, so I never really pushed the NX400.

She just bought a brand new NX400 Falcon. She is very happy with the Falcon too.

I have never riden a Transalp and suggest you contact Frank for an expert opinion. www.wayrachaki.com.ar , or ask locally how to contact him.

Long ago, Frank paid his dues, by touring Argentina for two years, before opening his business...just to get the feel of the country and her people.


Mike 31 Dec 2008 08:45


Originally Posted by waterfox (Post 220449)
the smaller nx4 may be better to start as it if lighter

I loved my Falcon to pieces and would recommend to anyone.. an ideal bike.. but it, me and minimal luggage were SO light that I was swept off the road by a gust of wind hurtling across open ground in Tierra del Fuego. Oops.

maria41 27 Jan 2009 13:32

The Falcon is aHonda right? Can you actually find them in Europe / UK? Never seen one while they were every where in Brazil etc....
It would be a good choice for my next trip, If I coult find one!

klaus 28 Jan 2009 05:39

Honda TransAlp ....
.... after all the Falcon comments, I want to add my little biddy stuff, too.

I have owned my TransAlp (Japanese model with 400 ccm engine) for the past 3 years, bought used with 35.000 kilometers down (now close to 50.000). It is a 1992 model, so almost "vintage"?!?!

I am not an extreme rider, however, do love touring. For my height (186cm) the TA is just ideal. It does have enough power to ride 2 up with luggage (paniers). It is very easy to maintain (actually the only maintenance I have done so far is oil-changes) as well as handle (forgives rider-mistakes without any problems).

I paid something like 1.800 Euros for it (over here in Japan) and I assume it was a bargain, since it came with 3 months warranty.

It took me to Hokkaido 2 years ago (close to 4.000 kilometers roundtrip) and the only thing that had to be done was using some oil spray for the chain. Gas-milage is good, too (of course depending on your riding style), I get something like 100 kilometers / 4 liters of gas.

For more info or just for entertainment, check out my homepage and go to the photo gallery section (Hokkaido and others).

If you have any questions, just contact me.

Hope you will have fun riding a bike again!!

Mike 28 Jan 2009 20:02


Originally Posted by maria41 (Post 225595)
The Falcon is aHonda right? Can you actually find them in Europe / UK?

Hi Maria. There was a secondhand Falcon for sale in Essex a couple of years ago.. and that's all I can report after keeping my eyes open for one in the eight years since I owned one in Brazil.

Moral of the story: I should have bought that one when I had the chance.

Sheonagh 29 Jan 2009 11:59

Honda Falcon NX400
Just seen this thread. My partner and I bought 2 new Falcons in UK in 2005, shipped them to Valparaiso and rode them 22,000 km round Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador before airfreighting them to Miami. They were brilliant. We still use them on daily basis back in UK as our preferred transport (so many speed cameras!) and they've now each done about 45000 km. We plan to refurbish them and take them on our RTW trip starting October! We're 2 women and can still pick them up by ourselves ....Our Bandit 600 and CBR 600 have sat languishing in the garage for the last year .... must get rid of them. See pictures on www.bugbitten.co.uk/shoandpat Cheers Sheonagh

Mike 29 Jan 2009 18:00


Originally Posted by Sheonagh (Post 225895)
My partner and I bought 2 new Falcons in UK in 2005

Sheonagh, did you buy them from a dealer? Were they imported from Brazil before being shipped to Chile? I think there's a few of us interested in getting Falcons in the UK.


Originally Posted by Sheonagh (Post 225895)
We still use them on daily basis back in UK as our preferred transport


That link is not quite correct, by the way, but glad I searched some more: great tales and pictures at Sheonagh Pat's Travel Journal | Travel Recommendations | Travel Blogs


maria41 27 May 2009 13:10


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 225803)
Hi Maria. There was a secondhand Falcon for sale in Essex a couple of years ago.. and that's all I can report after keeping my eyes open for one in the eight years since I owned one in Brazil.

Moral of the story: I should have bought that one when I had the chance.

Mike there are couple on sale in the UK right now in autotrader if you are still interested (both are 2006 model).

Any one know the size of the fuel tank? This little bike could be the ideal bike for me for the next big trip (in 18 months time). Maybe a bit early to buy my next trip bike just yet though for me. Also I do like my current bike (Versys). Ideal for Europe.
Argh! can't wait for Jan 2011 to come!

Mike 4 Jun 2009 12:21


Originally Posted by maria41 (Post 243565)
Mike there are couple on sale in the UK right now in autotrader if you are still interested (both are 2006 model).

Any one know the size of the fuel tank? This little bike could be the ideal bike for me for the next big trip (in 18 months time). Maybe a bit early to buy my next trip bike just yet though for me. Also I do like my current bike (Versys). Ideal for Europe.
Argh! can't wait for Jan 2011 to come!

Thanks Maria. But oh man -- dilemma! Because I love my prsent bike, the Bonnie, more than words can say!

The tank couldn't be as big as 15 litres, could it? That's my recollection. I only ran out of petrol once, when I miscalculated that the petrol station as Tres Cerros, between Comodoro-Piedra Buena, might actually have petrol in it... ;-) Foolish.

[The Falcon, it turns out, is small enough to be lifdted into the back of a large Transit van and ferried south to Puerto San Julian...]

xfiltrate 11 Jun 2009 15:23

On and Off topic
Yes, 15 litres and that gets you 300K. or more if you ride slow....Falcons average 21 to 22 K per litre, loaded.

There seems to be a lot of interest in the inexpensive NX400 Honda Falcon. The price in Buenos Aires is $7,000 US dollars new. The Transalps are $12,000 - $14,000 US dollars new in Buenos Aires.

Here is one of my replies and comments regarding the the NX400 Falcon vs the XR250 tornado. I get a lot of mail about the difference.

Hi XXXXX, thanks for writing and also thanks for reading my posts...
Elisa rode a new XR 250 Tornado through 6 countries of South America and did fine.

There was one significant difference between the XR250 and the NX400 off road. Once both were loaded up with gear, off road, which we did frequently, we agree the NX400 was more stable. And, Elisa can pick it up by herself... with gear....

On the Highway the NX400 can comfortably cruise at 120 K per hour and I have hit close to 140K, loaded with gear and I weigh about 185 pounds..., fast passing on good roads.

I was very happy riding the NX400 Falcon, also bought new.

During the 12,000 K both bikes performed very well. On the long stretches of isolated highway, we were able to cruise at 100 K + per hour, Elisa could push the XR250 up to 120 K per hour but that was about it..., one problem was that the XR250 has 6 gears and the NX400 has 5 gears, our gear changes were staggered and I suggest that you buy the NX400 simply because if you tour with larger bikes it is easier to keep up. 1st gear on the falcon is excellent....

Elisa traded in her XR250 and bought a brand new NX400 Falcon, then we did another 7000 K in Argentina (almost half of it off road) this past February/ March 09 and she likes the NX400 better for both on and off road. She said the biggest difference was the additional power available when riding the NX400 for passing big trucks, or avoiding bad drivers.

All and all, buy the Falcon NX400 over the XR250 if you can afford the $2,000 dollar *difference in price new, it is worth it. *between the XR250 and NX400

I suppose, if you can afford it, the Transalp would be a better on road touring bike, the Falcon NX400, my opinion is better off road. especially in South America, and parts are more available...

Mechanically after 24000k, I have replaced the clutch and sprockets and chain and other then routine maintence that is it, except tires of course.

XR250 is really more of an off road bike, the seat is narrow, etc. The seat on the NX400 is much more comfortable for touring and even on gravel.

Good luck, We are in Spain right now, but we will be touring Brazil in about 2 months maybe we will meet each other. Ed and Elisa, xfiltrate.

see Elisa's post under Ride Tales on the HUBB

maria41 12 Jun 2009 22:09

Mike, I understand, tough choice. I decided to wait. I have to space for several bikes. A bonnie is a nice bike. I have been looking at those myself. Although after my disastrous relationship with BMW I went for japanese reliable bike. I was sick of taking a bike down the workshop every 2 weeks and breaking down every where ALL THE TIME!
Maybe see you at Ripley? We will do a presentation of our trip in south america, watch out for the franglais-riders!

Anyway! Ed nice to read your report. The Falcon is definitely a good bike, just not easy to find outside South Americe.

Hope all is well in BAs. I have fond memories of you and Elisa and our time in BAs!
Must send you an email sometime with few nice pics of you guys!

xfiltrate 13 Jun 2009 00:23

3 NX400 Honda Falcons in the Lake District of Argentina.
Maria and all,
Here is an Argentine friend we met on the road, with his NX400, Elisa with her 2009 NX400, and my NX400 is on the right.

The Lake district of Argentina is beautiful.


arambika 28 Dec 2009 12:07

nx 400 falcon
hello, I will be in Salta and will be looking for a new bike. How did it go with your purchase? Did you buy the 400? How do you like it. I want to do some touring to Chile and in the mountains. Did you consider a Tornado? Which dealer did you choose as there are several in Salta? Regards Andrew

Philip Reed 12 Feb 2013 04:40

To buy or not to buy
I am interested in buying a used Falcon 2008 with 26,000 kmon it, here in Costa Rica. Everything here costs twice as much as anywhere else so it will cost almost $7000 after I pay it off with interest, my question is: is this bike something that is worth investing in can be worked on and kept like new over the long haul.Anyone have any input? My other alternatives are to buy a much older bike, or a much cheaper chinese 400, or pay a lot more for a newer one.

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