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gnosis89 23 Feb 2013 20:03

Is it worth it?
I´ve been looking for a 125 or 150cc bike for a little bit of everything, city, country, and travelling here in méxico and latin america (if I could find a 200cc or 250cc used in good condition and cheap I´d buy it). I´m conflicted now, because I don´t know if it´s worth it to wait and look more for a used bike like the Honda NXR150 bros and buy it for around $2,800usd or so, or buy a new bike that is not quite doble purpose for around $2,000usd.

(Prices are in mxn pesos, $20,000 pesos is around $1,700 usd)
The new bikes I´ve been looking at are:

Honda CL 150 Cargo - ($22,000) Bad fuel milage, but very durable and 11.3hp
Honda CGL 125 TOOL -($15,000) Cheap!! But not much power (9.7hp)
Yamaha YBR 125 (many versiones) - (depensd on the version but around $22,000 a $26,000) They lowered the hp to 9.7 so a little weak aswell.
Suzuki gn125 - ($22,000) Good fuel milage, more power than others 12.5hp...but rims are solid and a bit smaller than other bikes
Suzuki en125-2a -($23,000) Good fuel milage, 12hp, better brakes (I was told??) than the en125-hu
Suzuki en125-hu -($22,000) Good fuel milage, spoked rims, carrier rack...but apparently not as good as brakes as the en125.2a...???

Also, I´m worried that the suzuki´s parts are more difficult to find in latin america and more expensive as well...anybody know anything in regards to this?

Or I could buy the Honda XR125L new for $29,000 pesos (around $2,600 or so usd) however I´ve heard that this bike sorely lacks power, so being around $700usd more than most the others I´m not sure if it´s worth it.

mark manley 23 Feb 2013 23:19

I don't have any experience of the other bikes you mention but do have an XR125L which I am planning to ride from the UK to Mongolia and back on.
I have owned it for about 4 months and found it to be an excellent little bike, reliable, economical, good off road for a 125 and it has a comfortable seat which most trail bikes don't, it also has a 12 litre tank so quite a range.
As you say it is not very powerful and more expensive than the others but would be suitable for your purposes, I would say worth considering.

gnosis89 24 Feb 2013 18:11


Originally Posted by mark manley (Post 412889)
I don't have any experience of the other bikes you mention but do have an XR125L which I am planning to ride from the UK to Mongolia and back on.
I have owned it for about 4 months and found it to be an excellent little bike, reliable, economical, good off road for a 125 and it has a comfortable seat which most trail bikes don't, it also has a 12 litre tank so quite a range.
As you say it is not very powerful and more expensive than the others but would be suitable for your purposes, I would say worth considering.

But by not very powerful, I mean I´ve heard it sorely lacks any kind of power when climbing a hill, or with any kind of added wieght (a pack etc...) So purchasing something like the suzuki en125a would give quite a bit more power and at around $700 usd less. THe only downside with the suzuki and the other bikes I´m looking at is that they aren´t really meant for much ¨off roading.¨ But I imagine the could at least hold their own on dirt roads etc...

Anyways, what do you really think of the XR125L? As in depth as you could get would be appreciated...also did you buy new?

maria41 1 Mar 2013 15:42


Originally Posted by mark manley (Post 412889)
I don't have any experience of the other bikes you mention but do have an XR125L which I am planning to ride from the UK to Mongolia and back on.
I have owned it for about 4 months and found it to be an excellent little bike, reliable, economical, good off road for a 125 and it has a comfortable seat which most trail bikes don't, it also has a 12 litre tank so quite a range.
As you say it is not very powerful and more expensive than the others but would be suitable for your purposes, I would say worth considering.

Hi Mark, I am also planning to ride next year to Mongolia and back. I was looking at the XR125L as well for me and my husband. When are u planning to go? What sort of speed can you get in average on the XR? I would prefer a 250cc but really hard to find one or they are wildly over priced (the serow sells for over 5k new and rare 2d hand!)

I was even looking at the YBR250 but it has smaller back wheel than the 125....


gnosis89 1 Mar 2013 16:44

Maria, I don´t know if you have the Honda NXR 150 bros available where you are, but if you can find one used and in decent shape that would probably be the way to go. Better quality (the plastics and metal) and a bit more power. However from what I have seen the breaks and suspension are the same.

I´m trying to decide right now between buying a new XR 125 L or a used 2008 NXR 150 bros with 8,000km for the same price.

JHMM 1 Mar 2013 17:33

My opinion
Good to see that you are considering a trip on a small and economical bike. From your short list my choices would be in order:
Honda CGL 125 TOOL
Yamaha YBR 125
Suzuki en125-2a
All are good, so it will come down to personal choice. Have you taken a test ride yet on any - the one that feels the best to you is the one to take on your journey. When looking a power there is not much of a difference nor not much that you can do to get more performance. You will need to travel light and take it easy, it is not a race. The Honda CGL is a great bike and engine bullet proof. And as a bonus it is the cheapest.
If you sniff around you will find old posts and trips reports from a member called "birdy", he took a Honda CGL.
On a side note the all the prices mentioned do seem a bit expensive when I compare what it costs in my counrty South Africa, prices would be from USD1600 (Suzuki) to USD1700(Honda XR). BUT ignore that because you are not buying in South Africa.
Most important is to enjoy the journey. All bikes are capable.

gnosis89 1 Mar 2013 22:02

Yeah the CGL 125 tool is very tempting due to its low price....but I´ve been thinking alot about the Honda XR 125 L because it´s much more comfortable, higher, a bit more power, better suspension, front disc brake etc...Only thing is it´s twice the price. I just don´t know if it´s really worth double the money....any advice?

And in regards to the prices in south africa...hot damn, I´m getting ripped off here then.

ta-rider 5 Mar 2013 08:51


I decidet to buy the Honda CGL 125 to ride 28.000 km around southamerica because it was cheap and it was NOT chinese. It is also the moast comon bike in southamérica so all the parts are easy to get:


Have fun :)

gnosis89 5 Mar 2013 18:08

Correct me if I´m wrong, but the CGL 125 TOOL is chinese nowadays...at least here in méxico it is.

ta-rider 5 Mar 2013 18:15

Well my Honda CGL 125 was produced in Brasil and sold in Chile :)

gnosis89 5 Mar 2013 18:19

Uh, interesting...are you sure it wasn´t simply assembled in Brasil? Because for example here in méxico the parts are made in China but is assembled here.

humanbeing 6 Mar 2013 03:38

CGL125 is cheaper because it's assembled by Wuyang-Honda in China. Almost EVERY nomads in Tibet/ Mongolia had experience riding that kind of bike. It had enough road clearance most of time. Motorbike ride from Mexico to the USA - YouTube
The guy rides w/ the REAL one in '05 16集--2005年摩托无后援《单骑走中 》 - 专辑 - 优酷视频. Later trips on bike with SAME kind of chassis (different suspension / displacement) 独闯中华的优酷视频空间 - 专辑

gnosis89 6 Mar 2013 19:25

So then the CGL 125 tool is a pretty reliable bike??? And all of them were made in China....but perhaps then just assembled in other countries.

realmc26 7 Mar 2013 01:39

Im pretty sure the Brasil CGL's are made in Brasil, from memory from previous threads

humanbeing 7 Mar 2013 15:57

Brasil CG125 (OHV) is ended from '09 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CG125.
No matter clone OR not, that type of engine is bulletproof.

gnosis89 7 Mar 2013 17:21

Well I´m pretty sure I´m going to purchase the CGL 125 TOOL here in méxico. It´s only around $1,200 usd...sure it doesn´t have the best suspension, tires, hp, etc...but it´s the cheapest and of the ¨cheap¨ bikes it seems to be the most reliable. Only thing is I think I will probably need to change out the front tire before I head out because I´ve heard that with water it is extremely slippery...and so it looks.

humanbeing 7 Mar 2013 23:31

CGL Terra (Peru model) is more suitable for bad road. The "difference" parts in that model can easily modded by yourself in Latin America because there's similar chinese model.

gnosis89 8 Mar 2013 01:50

Here on the other side of the broder in Guatemala they have the Todo terreno CGL, but it´s around $300 usd more and I didn´t really notice much of a difference other than the tires...what are the actual technical differences between the two models?

humanbeing 8 Mar 2013 05:03


Originally Posted by gnosis89 (Post 414636)
Here on the other side of the broder in Guatemala they have the Todo terreno CGL, but it´s around $300 usd more and I didn´t really notice much of a difference other than the tires...what are the actual technical differences between the two models?

Not much difference. Tires & front mud guard ONLY.

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