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Pilot2005 25 Sep 2005 11:10

KLR 650 Tengai
Hi ;
I´d like to know how reliable may be a klr 650 with 65000 Kms, It has been well treated, aparently, and has a good shape.
All service were done in a Kawasaki dealer.
How long time the engine will run in a good manner before majors repairs, if I supose that it had been well manteined?

Thanks a lot for your help ¡¡¡

Matt595 26 Sep 2005 05:14

The Tengai has a chain synchronising balance shaft with crank, check that and also cam chain has been changed.


pantrybear 30 Sep 2005 23:53

The KLR has a great engine and should be fine if properly maintained. If you wanted to absolutely sure you could check the compression, take the head cover off and check the camshafts/valve clearances, look for signs of oil leakage/consumption.

The balancer chain tensioner is a known weak point and should be changed on any KLR. But, if the bike hasn't had it done I wouldn't be too concerned except to be sure that you change it. It's not uncommon for the tensionser to be broken but I haven't heard of an engine being damaged by it yet.

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