Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Price and resale question (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/which-bike/price-and-resale-question-59907)

Paulmcintyre 28 Oct 2011 21:51

Price and resale question
Hi, im a new member and havent yet bought a bike. Im in Peru and planning to buy a bike soon to ride for around 3-4 months in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Can anyone offer advice on where I can check prices for bikes so that I know I am getting a fair price? Can anyone offer any comments on how hard it is to sell a bike when im at the end of my travels?

Also, is a specific motorcycle licence required or a drivers licence from my home country sufficient?


vagabondrob 7 Feb 2012 14:21

I just came across your thread this morning, have you found the answers you were looking for?
I live in Lima, Peru and have toured South America.
PM me if you still need some info or answers regarding purchasing the bikes, costs, gear and such.

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