Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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nonresident 24 Aug 2018 21:36

Register bike as Non-Resident
Dear fellow bikers,

I am new to this forum and already am amazed by all the information provided here!

I hope you guys can help me out with my situation.

I am a Dutch national living in Thailand. Because of this I can not register any bike in Europe.

However since I am in Europe for 5 months every year I would love to own a motorcycle or car here.
Untill now what I have found is the following options:

- German Export plates, since this is a temporary expensive solution I do not think this is the best way, I am looking to hold the bike for years and use it everytime I am in Europe.
- UK but since UK is leaving the EU I think insurance will be really difficult and expensive.
I did however find somebody to provide me with an address for 50 euro per year.
- Andorra, however this is costly with 1000 euro registration cost and 500 yearly cost excluding the insurance.
- Spain but I will need to have a rental contract or own property there and be very carefull not to become tax resident.
- Estonia but I will need to find a sponsor ( I am actually already E-Resident there ).

Also offcourse I could setup a company in Luxemburg for example but setting up a company somwhere to own a car or motorcycle is highly costly and maybe a bit too much.

Hopefully anybody can guide me on this!


Adrian45 21 Oct 2018 16:41

register in Romania
Hi , you can register the bike in Romania , I can help you .

PanEuropean 30 Oct 2018 08:30


Originally Posted by nonresident (Post 588678)
I am a Dutch national living in Thailand. Because of this I can not register any bike in Europe.

However since I am in Europe for 5 months every year...

The first thought that comes to my mind is "Do you have any family or relatives (or even good friends) in the Netherlands that would permit you to use their address as a 'base' from which to register your motorcycle in the Netherlands?"

Where I live (Ontario, Canada), one needs to have an address within the province of Ontario in order to register a private motor vehicle in Ontario. But, that's pretty much all one needs... just an address.

Given that you are a Dutch citizen, would it not be sufficient to just register the vehicle in the Netherlands and use an address that belongs to family or friends?


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