Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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*Touring Ted* 9 Jul 2015 10:16

Looks like you've made your choice and upgraded the XT...

The rear spring needs doing anyway. It's too soft as it is even solo with luggage.

I guess with your GF being on the slender side, she might get on fine with it.

Like you say, everyone is different.

If it's unbearable; you could always sell the XT and get a very nice XL650 Transalp for exactly the same kind of money which is a much better two-up machine.

Either way, enjoy the ride.bier

Lonerider 9 Jul 2015 15:39


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 510045)
Looks like you've made your choice and upgraded the XT...

The rear spring needs doing anyway. It's too soft as it is even solo with luggage.

I guess with your GF being on the slender side, she might get on fine with it.

Like you say, everyone is different.

If it's unbearable; you could always sell the XT and get a very nice XL650 Transalp for exactly the same kind of money which is a much better two-up machine.

Either way, enjoy the ride.bier

Oh I will, thx...next year can't come quick enough as I don't know if the trip on my own is going come off this month :(


Lonerider 10 Jul 2015 16:33

Weather has been great, so it was out on Arrunya to give her a good run after having the new stuff on it. Nice! :thumbup1: :funmeteryes:

Out in North Yorkshire Moors

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/431/1...d26db2e0_b.jpgIMG_0426 by SW Capell, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/349/1...54726979_b.jpgIMG_0428 by SW Capell, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/509/1...0fe4fbd4_b.jpgIMG_0432 by SW Capell, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/457/1...7f337c1e_b.jpgIMG_0436 by SW Capell, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/363/1...bc243d7c_b.jpgIMG_0437 by SW Capell, on Flickr


Cambelt 13 Jul 2015 14:21

Looking good Lonerider. I thought the tank bags would stick out a lot more than they do, but looks good.

XTRoundTW 12 Aug 2015 06:52


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 470174)
Cracking bike.. Pack light and don't expect fast highway riding and you'll get on just fine. I have a section on my blog about how I prepped mine. :)

I had an XT600E. Rode From Pretoria to Malwi via Mozambique and back via Zambia. I lost a spark plug in Zambia, but I had a spare.

It can do 120km/h for eternity. More than that, you seriously need a windscreen, and preferably a wind blowing from behind.

Fuel consumption ranged between 23 km/l - riding very civilly, with road-ish tyres and not over 90km/h. That is more than 300 km/tank.

When going faster, it's less economical, and get down to 15km/l

I made myself a rack, an later saw "Ventura racks" are made after my design : ) It fits your luggage in your bodies slipstream s, you don't make to much drag. I sold it at 40 000 km with standard shocks and never had a problem with suspension, but I do travel light.

On my longest trip, of 6000km, it used 300 ml of oil!!! That's way less than my friend on his GS.

I now ride a XT660, which is a blast, (and a GS1200) more economical and way faster. But the "E" is still lingering in my memories and on a silent night, Im sure I can hear the echo's of her pipe resounding in my thoughts.

*Touring Ted* 12 Aug 2015 08:37


Originally Posted by XTRoundTW (Post 513093)
I had an XT600E. Rode From Pretoria to Malwi via Mozambique and back via Zambia. I lost a spark plug in Zambia, but I had a spare.

It can do 120km/h for eternity. More than that, you seriously need a windscreen, and preferably a wind blowing from behind.

Fuel consumption ranged between 23 km/l - riding very civilly, with road-ish tyres and not over 90km/h. That is more than 300 km/tank.

When going faster, it's less economical, and get down to 15km/l

I made myself a rack, an later saw "Ventura racks" are made after my design : ) It fits your luggage in your bodies slipstream s, you don't make to much drag. I sold it at 40 000 km with standard shocks and never had a problem with suspension, but I do travel light.

On my longest trip, of 6000km, it used 300 ml of oil!!! That's way less than my friend on his GS.

I now ride a XT660, which is a blast, (and a GS1200) more economical and way faster. But the "E" is still lingering in my memories and on a silent night, Im sure I can hear the echo's of her pipe resounding in my thoughts.

120KM/H. That's like 90mph.

Jesus.. You must have been really winding up that motor hahaha.

But yeah, they're strong. If any motor can take a thrashing, it's that one.

Lonerider 12 Aug 2015 15:42

90mph, I have not taken mine over 70 yet :rofl: I got it for enjoyment not for blasting about :mchappy:


ridetheworld 12 Aug 2015 17:38

That's a fantastic looking machine! And by the way I've seen people two-up on Tornado XR250's with full on camping equipment not to mention two-up on CGL125's! I think you'll be fine on that thing!


Lonerider 12 Aug 2015 18:18


Originally Posted by ridetheworld (Post 513153)
That's a fantastic looking machine! And by the way I've seen people two-up on Tornado XR250's with full on camping equipment not to mention two-up on CGL125's! I think you'll be fine on that thing!


Thanks for the comments
The only thing I would like to do now is change the seat but finding it difficult to source in the UK


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Walkabout 12 Aug 2015 18:48


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 513105)
120KM/H. That's like 90mph.

Nearer 70 MPH than 90 of the same units.

About 72-3 MPH and, naturally, speedos are 10% optimistic unless it is a police bike with a calibrated speedometer.

ridetheworld 13 Aug 2015 11:14


Originally Posted by Lonerider (Post 513159)
Thanks for the comments
The only thing I would like to do now is change the seat but finding it difficult to source in the UK


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sheepskins are great and easy to source. I find one with my rockhard seat on the Tornado XR250 pretty could and I could 10hour days well enough.

Lonerider 13 Aug 2015 12:00


Originally Posted by ridetheworld (Post 513249)
Sheepskins are great and easy to source. I find one with my rockhard seat on the Tornado XR250 pretty could and I could 10hour days well enough.

Yeah I have a sheep skin, find it ok. But I want to try and get a better seat for that all round comfort :thumbup1:


yokesman 15 Aug 2015 16:07

the seat you need has to be comfortable for you both,Im 220,my wife 98.
I Like like the softer last covering while she likes a firmer seat. not having this can increase the number of stops ,which for us being 60 yos is a good thing .
It is good to know who is getting to the end of their comfort level first. I put a vstrom seat on our gladius n with a bit of spacers got the seat tilted up ,it rides nice.

PropTP 17 Aug 2015 08:17

Ive got a TT Belgarda which basically has the exact same engine. Did 910 km in one day with the last 400 km on the autobahn. No mods other than a Airhawk. I rode the bike hard at ca. 120 km/h for the last 200 km stretch, as it was getting dark. It was bloody torture and the bike used around 350 ml of oil that day. Never used oil before, but I've never done that kind of mileage or sustained speeds.

Best advice: get a windscreen! I would have given my right arm for one!

Regarding the Airhawk, best investment I made before the trip. I couldn't have made a fraction of the distance without it.

Lonerider 14 Sep 2015 17:23

Wind Screen
Bigfoot 2

I took the front off today to clean so I had a look for a name, no joy mate, so I took some photos, hope they help and you can see how its fastened on and the shape etc

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5691/...5e763c88_h.jpgIMG_0601 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/739/2...1eee94d3_h.jpgIMG_0602 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/598/2...c59c32f1_h.jpgIMG_0603 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/663/2...5776233e_h.jpgIMG_0606 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/780/2...7250d4af_h.jpgIMG_0604 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/763/2...6837b489_h.jpgIMG_0605 by Wayne 66, on Flickr


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