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perorec 12 Nov 2018 07:52

Yamaha xtz Tenere 660 passenger?
Hi, I might buy Yamaha xtz Tenere 660 with ABS which I like very much. I'll be using it for solo rides but also with my girlfriend as a pillion. Once per year we might go for longer touring for a month around Europe. I would ride it mostly on a roads but I'd also go off tarmac from time to time. My concerne is how comfortable is xtz Tenere 660 for a pillion? Comapring with a seat of Suzuki V-strom 650, Tenere has a smaller and narrower seat. So how is for a pillion comfort on xtz Tenere 660? Is there enough space for both? Do you have any experiences on that? How is riding comfort for a pillion in general?

Also how does xtz Tenere 660 ride as fully loaded with luggage and a passenger? Is suspension ok? How is it on a highways, uphills?

I'm deciding between V-strom and Tenere. As I'll be a lot on tarmac V-strom might be more logical option but I like Tenere soooo much... and on other side I've heard about v-stroms problems with frame cracking under big loads...


tremens 12 Nov 2018 09:07

xtz 660 tenere or xt660z tenere? two different bikes. I assume the later because you did mention ABS. When I was riding with my wife she didn't complain, myself I consider tenere seat very comfortable for long trips but rather not as good as v-strom for passenger.

Suspension with ABS version is worse then without but still pretty good.
I wouldn't worry about riding with pillion and luggage, bike was made for that.

perorec 12 Nov 2018 09:49

Yes I meant xt Tenere z. So it is powerful enought for touring with a passenger and luggage? I read it has around 190kg load limit. That means it will be right on the edge. V-strom has a load capacity around 205kg.

tremens 12 Nov 2018 12:17

for traveling it's powerful enough, how much your pillion weighs? :)


perorec 12 Nov 2018 12:56

Together we're about 160kg, maybe little more

tremens 12 Nov 2018 13:12


Originally Posted by perorec (Post 591757)
Together we're about 160kg, maybe little more

so I with my wife more or less the same, don't worry. This bike is like a tractor,
not so fast but strong enough for 2up.

Snakeboy 13 Nov 2018 02:04

I have ridden around 10 k kms, almost two months trip with a pillion on my Tenere. It wasnt any problems at all, the gf didnt complain. Actually I suspect her to dose off now and then back there which she has more or less admitted LOL. So it cant be that bad...
But I had upgraded both front and rear suspension, had an aftermarket seat, and a topbox with a backrest. And also changed the rear sprocket for one with more teeth - so lower geared and smoother ride, gearchange etc.

Nowadays we do the same with a 250 cc bike though. Its equally good for two up, but we keep maybe 5-10 km/h less speed on the highways.

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