Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Snakeboy 26 Dec 2023 08:31

Zontes 500 T
Guess what - a new Adv bike from China….????

Zontes had been producing and selling small motorbikes in the UK and probably several other countries and markets (but not here in Scandinavia where I live)

Now they have a 500 cc Adv bike on the make. What I found interesting is that it shall have a single cylindered engine. There is not many single cylindred bikes over 450 cc except KTMs 700 cc engine - afaik at least.
But will Zontes get a 500 cc single cylindred engine through tough emission test?

There will be one Adv model with 19/17 wheels and one road oriented with 17/17.

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Erik_G 27 Dec 2023 02:05

Zontes have had 320 cc bikes for a long time.
Upgraded some time ago to 350 cc
Single Cylinder. Water cooled.
So the step to 500 cc singel is not that big
Price for currect "ADV" model is equivalent to RE Himalayan 411


I was close to buy one.
They have a rack as option.
On which you can put Shad panier.

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