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-   -   34L/55W v 1VJ - Engine differences (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/yamaha-tech/34l-55w-v-1vj-engine-27371)

andylarkin 30 May 2007 12:26

34L/55W v 1VJ - Engine differences
Is there any difference in the engine internals between the two models?

I have an option on brand new head for a 1VJ and wanted to know if it will fit the 34L engine that is awaiting my rebuild?

It looks identical but then I could be wrong!




aukeboss 30 May 2007 19:57

Check bolts
If the new head is supposed to have an allen bolt at the front of the tunnel for the distribution chain, it will not fit the 34L cilinder.You'll see your 34L does not have one. For the 1VJ's Yam used both the heads with and without the additional bolts.


andylarkin 30 May 2007 20:17


Originally Posted by andylarkin (Post 138124)
Is there any difference in the engine internals between the two models?

I have an option on brand new head for a 1VJ and wanted to know if it will fit the 34L engine that is awaiting my rebuild?

It looks identical but then I could be wrong!




Oh bugger… this means that I either need a 1VJ cylinder or I have to refurbish my 34L head doesn't it?

Excuse my ignorance! If that is the case does anyone want to buy a factory new 1VJ head and rocker, or alternatively sell me a 1VJ cylinder

:funmeterno: :(

andylarkin 31 May 2007 20:54


Originally Posted by aukeboss (Post 138169)
If the new head is supposed to have an allen bolt at the front of the tunnel for the distribution chain, it will not fit the 34L cilinder.You'll see your 34L does not have one. For the 1VJ's Yam used both the heads with and without the additional bolts.


Another excuse my ignorance, but what does that bolt do? And is there a work round?


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