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w00d 17 Jan 2012 22:04

3TB - 4PT Cases
Hi guys, does anyone know if the outer cases are transferable from 4PT to 3TB? Were the engines changed to such an extent?

pera 18 Jan 2012 13:59

I have a 3TB and a 4PT motors in my garage, then I say anything.


patrick2wd 30 Jan 2012 14:09

Hola Pera,

You have 2 engines I have seen,
Im looking for a 3TB or PT engine..

are the mounting points different from each other?
I want to mount a better (stronger) engine in my 3AJ frame:

let me know if you can help,


pera 30 Jan 2012 14:29

Hi Patrick,

the two motors are totally compatible. The mounting points are the same. I also have an 95 TT600 motor and is also compatible.

The only diferences are the clutch cable left side on 3TB and right side on 4PT. Also 4PT side case is not ready for install an starter pedal.

Good job in your bike! Looks nice

patrick2wd 30 Jan 2012 20:12

now looking for a better/ stronger engine..

you have one to spare?

pera 30 Jan 2012 20:23

I´ve a 3TB all right, not consuming oil but with many kilometers and I think you are not looking for that.

I´ve also an 95 TT600 in very good shape that fit your chasis but it´s only kick-starter.

patrick2wd 30 Jan 2012 20:44


I would prefer a 3TB..
(Im a bit lazy and my knees are not that good)

bigger problem would be distance..

pera 30 Jan 2012 21:08

My 3TB is all right but It has many km., I don´t know how much. It will be cheap, about 300€ but I think it´s not the reliable engine you are looking for such machine.

patrick2wd 31 Jan 2012 09:49

considering the distance..
and would it be complete?
with all cables, CDI/ rectifier? etc...

let me know if it gets in the way... :smartass:

Mezo 31 Jan 2012 10:10

So does the sprocket on the 4PT stick out further then? this guy put that engine in a 34L frame shaving off part of the sprocket to get it closer to the engine to allow the chain to line up properly?

Are you able to measure to see if it indeed sticks out more please.

Or does anyone know for certain on a 3AJ 4PT engine swap? we know about the clutch cable etc but Patrick's been asking on our forum whether it would fit or not? were pretty certain the frame mounts are the same width just the chain/sprocket thing we was wondering.



patrick2wd 31 Jan 2012 14:50


Originally Posted by Mezo (Post 365329)
So does the sprocket on the 4PT stick out further then? this guy put that engine in a 34L frame shaving off part of the sprocket to get it closer to the engine to allow the chain to line up properly?

Are you able to measure to see if it indeed sticks out more please.

Or does anyone know for certain on a 3AJ 4PT engine swap? we know about the clutch cable etc but Patrick's been asking on our forum whether it would fit or not? were pretty certain the frame mounts are the same width just the chain/sprocket thing we was wondering.



yes.. what he says....


pera 31 Jan 2012 19:31

I have all cables and rectifier. Here in Granada I can find 4PT CDI that works right with this engine.

As mezo says I think there is some diferences in the alignment of the sprocket and the rear plate between kick and not kick models

patrick2wd 1 Feb 2012 11:24


Originally Posted by pera (Post 365405)
diferences in the alignment of the sprocket s

could you post a picture?

pera 11 Feb 2012 12:25

Sorry for the delay. I think the diference in the alignment is not in the engine, is in the rear arm. Kick-starter models have a narrower one.

You can see some explanations here:


The three engines I´ve got at home have the same measures, are compatible: 4PT, 3TB and 1995 TT600 (Kick-starter)

w00d 12 Feb 2012 19:07

In terms of my original question. Cheers for the picture Pera. It reminded me about the clutch cable routing change between the two models doh

patrick2wd 13 Feb 2012 20:59

thanks very much...

...still looking....

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