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stillben 1 Oct 2024 12:32

4pt new clutch cable now can't declutch

just changed the rusty cable on my 2003 4pt and now can not get any adjustment which allows me to de-clutch gears. just a simple swap over of cables and now doesn't seem like the clutch arm is doing anything. the clutch arm will move and is slightly sprung but that's it, won't get me out of gear.

there's a bolt head under the clutch arm, can't find anything online yet about what it is.

any ideas please?


N67 1 Oct 2024 18:28

that bolt is securing clutch arm in place.
clutch arm mustn't be "slightly sprung", when properly linked with basket through the push rod.
something like this - https://i.imgur.com/zyPRgVW.jpeg but the link is geared in xt's case.
maybe that push rod is fallen back inside the basket (not sure if it's possible) or otherwise not aligned with clutch arm?

turboguzzi 2 Oct 2024 06:40

have you checked if cables (outer sheath and inner cable) are same length?

a difference of even just a few mm might throw you out of range at the adjusters.

the mech is NOT like N67 shows, it a geared system

the geared pull rod can not fall inside, so that shouldnt be the problem

the clutch arm rotates this part


the gear at the bottom of that part moves the pull rod


maybe the images will help you understand what you are doing wrong.

hope you didnt dismantle the arm form the splined shaft, if you get ib ack on the wrong position, again, it will be impossbile to adjust

xtrock 2 Oct 2024 10:37

I bet you have done wrong on the adjusters, you have one down on the casing and one clutchhandle. If you didnt adjust these correct its not possible to withdraw the clutch, too much slack cable.

xtrock 9 Oct 2024 14:50

What makes this forum so great is all the updstes from people...:thumbdown:

turboguzzi 10 Oct 2024 19:04

agree with you but the world has changed since the days this was a busy forum more than 6-7 years ago

1st - general interest in enduros from the 80s-90s has gone down (unless its GS or XT500)

2nd - in all the forums of vintage japanese bikes i am in, there are less and less active members

3rd - bad influence of social media/facebook: people dont understand the community sense of a forum, many newbies thinks its just a place to ask one thing they dont know and then disappear without saying thank you

if you are lookig for more "action" the advrider xt600 section is just OK-ish, but one new post every month or so and mostly american riders.

tenere.co.uk, not great either.... good people but posts are splits into all the different models, hard to follow.

guess there must be a FB group but i dont have FB and hate how posts are totally disorgnized

stillben 10 Oct 2024 19:30

Thanks very much for all the replies.

I think the clutch cable isn't the issue as have adjusted it without slack and not too tight. Swapped the cable just in case but no difference.

Haven't taken the clutch arm off, just the cable.

The clutch arm moves about 50 degrees. Doesn't feel like it's doing anything constructive, just comes to an abrupt stop when it's pulled. Will take a photo tomorrow of it in this position.

xtrock 10 Oct 2024 19:57


Originally Posted by stillben (Post 643671)
Thanks very much for all the replies.

I think the clutch cable isn't the issue as have adjusted it without slack and not too tight. Swapped the cable just in case but no difference.

Haven't taken the clutch arm off, just the cable.

The clutch arm moves about 50 degrees. Doesn't feel like it's doing anything constructive, just comes to an abrupt stop when it's pulled. Will take a photo tomorrow of it in this position.

Time to remove cover, you need to check inside what happend when arm was detach from cable.

stillben 11 Oct 2024 10:18

some videos showing the new clutch cable fitted and movement of the lever and the arm



xtrock 11 Oct 2024 13:28


Originally Posted by stillben (Post 643683)
some videos showing the new clutch cable fitted and movement of the lever and the arm



Nothing wrong its moving enough, maybe just hang on clutch plates. Tell us more what happens when you move bike in gear, put in neutral and move into gear moving bike, worn out slipping? Hard to tell with so little info..

stillben 11 Oct 2024 16:38


Originally Posted by xtrock (Post 643687)
Nothing wrong its moving enough, maybe just hang on clutch plates. Tell us more what happens when you move bike in gear, put in neutral and move into gear moving bike, worn out slipping? Hard to tell with so little info..

fine in neutral, can move it

in first with cluth pulled in it is possible to push it slightly, there is plenty of resistance, back and forth a little

but# trying this without clutch in first is impossible for me.

if i have the bike running and drop it into first with clutch in it will stall, haven't managed to do this with the bike moving yet, will try this next, see if it will release the plates a little.

could try similar with raising it on a block.

stillben 11 Oct 2024 17:06

video clips of in and out of first
putting into first with revs around 2,000 and clutch lever all the way in


rolling back and forth with engine off and clutch lever in and then with clutch leave left out


xtrock 11 Oct 2024 17:14


Originally Posted by stillben (Post 643692)
putting into first with revs around 2,000 and clutch lever all the way in


rolling back and forth with engine off and clutch lever in and then with clutch leave left out


Clutch is ok then, slightly drag is same on mine now when its cold oil thicker, let it get hot and try again.

xtrock 11 Oct 2024 17:18


Originally Posted by stillben (Post 643692)
putting into first with revs around 2,000 and clutch lever all the way in


rolling back and forth with engine off and clutch lever in and then with clutch leave left out


Check the switch for the stand, maybe relay dont get switched. Also measure the wire from clutch handle switch, seems like relay problem.

stillben 11 Oct 2024 17:28

ok thanks never thought about the switch being an issue, makes sense

Bobmech 11 Oct 2024 22:08

Looks like you are selecting a gear with the engine running and the sidestand down. That combination has a safety feature which cuts the ignition. You are supposed to only be able to select a gear with the sidestand up, when engine is running.

xtrock 11 Oct 2024 22:54


Originally Posted by Bobmech (Post 643702)
Looks like you are selecting a gear with the engine running and the sidestand down. That combination has a safety feature which cuts the ignition. You are supposed to only be able to select a gear with the sidestand up, when engine is running.

I didnt notice its so dark at the stand, but if thats the case its not possible. I dont understand is this first day with the bike? Thats common on all newer bikes not able to run with sidestand down...

turboguzzi 12 Oct 2024 07:42

im also a bit confused about what is the current problem

original title is:

"4pt new clutch cable now can't declutch"

so now problem is engine dies when you put in gear?

not the same problem.... a bit confusing really

xtrock 22 Oct 2024 19:21


Originally Posted by turboguzzi (Post 643705)
im also a bit confused about what is the current problem

original title is:

"4pt new clutch cable now can't declutch"

so now problem is engine dies when you put in gear?

not the same problem.... a bit confusing really

Guess he found out how to get the sidestand up:D

Grant Johnson 24 Oct 2024 01:42

I just skimmed this thread, and without diving in to details, I wondered if he has the right cable? Always worth comparing new cable to old before installing, just as you put the new cable on and keep the old for a spare when travelling - because you KNOW it's the right one.

xtrock 24 Oct 2024 11:01


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 643863)
I just skimmed this thread, and without diving in to details, I wondered if he has the right cable? Always worth comparing new cable to old before installing, just as you put the new cable on and keep the old for a spare when travelling - because you KNOW it's the right one.

Yes he wrote about testing new and old, problem was the sidestand was left down and bike wouldnt run when put in gear...Never a clutch problem!

stillben 28 Oct 2024 13:55


Thanks very much, bike sorted now. The side stand switch connection (the blue one ) hadn't been cleaned last time I did all the others. The clutch lever contacts were fine (green). Bike sorted now, wouldn't have thought of that. Thank you. Any xt600 riders North Kent? Saw a xt500 yesterday at the Herne Bay bike park, don't know if he's on this forum

xtrock 28 Oct 2024 19:23


Originally Posted by stillben (Post 643929)

Thanks very much, bike sorted now. The side stand switch connection (the blue one ) hadn't been cleaned last time I did all the others. The clutch lever contacts were fine (green). Bike sorted now, wouldn't have thought of that. Thank you. Any xt600 riders North Kent? Saw a xt500 yesterday at the Herne Bay bike park, don't know if he's on this forum

Well just dont forget to kick up sidestand next time you are testing after repairdoh

stillben 28 Oct 2024 22:45

Entirely plausible explanation. Been riding a C70 all summer so learned some sloppy habits. Thanks all :oops2:

turboguzzi 29 Oct 2024 22:21

well, you definitely owe us all a beer..... for trying to help you solve a non existing problem... :oops2:

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