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dougM 24 Jan 2003 05:22

5th Gear on 34L Tenere
Hi Klaus and fellow Riders.
Overhauling the engine on my 34L and was wondering about the 5th gear. There are 2 gears(cogs) for every gear right? From your experience do you need to replace both of the 5th gears as a set or just one. Which gear in the 5th gear set is the most susceptable to pitting or are they both equally likely to be pitted?
Thanks in advance


dougM 28 Jan 2003 05:51

Anyone able to help out on this one. I need to know whether I need to buy both 5th gears or only one of the pair. The drive gear or the countershaft gear for the 5th gear pair.

Thanks again

Grant Johnson 28 Jan 2003 06:16

Don't know why there hasn't been a response, but I would wait until it's apart and then decide. There are a number of posts in this forum about this subject, have a good read, then look at the gears when it's apart. If in ANY doubt, replace both. If you're penniless, just replace what's obviously in need, erring on the side of caution.

Remember, you'll really be ticked if you saved a hundred dollars on a gear - and then have to spend that on gaskets etc and take it apart again. And if one goes while riding, you'll almost certainly need to replace them both anyway.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

peterkik 28 Jan 2003 15:26


Open the engine first, before ordering spares. It's very unlikely that only one sprocket will be worn. Compared to the price of the complete overhaul... always replace both. If the 5th gear is (even only a little) worn, dont forget to check the oilpump. which, i'm afraid, is much more expensive than the gears....


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