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2499 1 Jul 2012 12:19

Any body knows the xt600 3ds ?

I got a good offer on XT600 3ds 1989 20kkm, made for the swiss marked. It is like brand new.

But i don´t know what the differences is between the 3aj and the 3ds. I can only see that the it has a single square headlight and the engine is black instead of gray.

Anybody knows this model ?

I don´t want to end up with a strange model where it is hard to get parts.

2499 1 Jul 2012 13:28

It is the same as this one.


Moto Zulu 1 Jul 2012 16:57

Its like the 3AJ and has a special air bypass when you ride on a high attidue ! So it rides better in the high mountains than the 3 AJ !

2499 1 Jul 2012 17:26

ok, nice to know...

It´s properly just the main jet that are changed for smaller ones to compensated for the altitude. It is done to most swiss bikes.
It will also explain why it only have 32hp instead of +40hp as on the 3aj.

Mezo 2 Jul 2012 08:03

Apart from the square headlight, there is also an altitude compensator 2WJ-14303-01-00.

Nothing to worry about buying a 3DS, its virtually identical as a 3AJ.


2499 2 Jul 2012 17:41

Excellent i know this system from flying with Ultralight trikes. It adjust the pressure in the fuel bowls to compensated for the altitude differences.

According to the the document below. The pipe insert in the exhaust and the air filter housing is also different. The pipe insert is properly the one that limits the horsepower in combination with smaller main jets..

Anyway it seems good, i think i gonna go with it.


Mezo 3 Jul 2012 08:45

I think this is the device in the center of the picture?



Jens Eskildsen 3 Jul 2012 15:49

Yup, could look like it, I've also heard about the device, but never seen it.

I really thought our bikes would laugh at altitude-changes, with the secondary carb being a CV-style and all.

We dont have a single mountain here in Denmark, so I wouldn't know for sure, it just made me wonder :confused1:

But I guess they are jetted fairly rich from the factory, making the problem bigger at high elevations. Humhn...perhaps Yamaha knows best afterall :D

2499 3 Jul 2012 19:53

Is there any difference between the Black and the gray block engines? I´m looking at a black block.

Mezo 4 Jul 2012 06:42

Yep, ones got silver paint & the other has black paint.


Moto Zulu 5 Jul 2012 10:33

black ones have the small 39 rear sprocket

silver ones have the new transmission with 45 rear sprocket

2499 17 Jul 2012 18:58

Now i have a XT600 3ds standing in my driveway :D

I runs really sweet, but it lacks power it´s the 28hp version. I did a extended service on it during the weekend, changing oil, Brake fluid, filters, rubber hoses Etc. It has been standing still the last 5years.

I find some clear difference between the 3ds and a standard 3aj

Of course the headlight is square. It also have the hight compensation for the carbs. The exhaust insert is fitted with a reduction ring to restrict the flow. The rubber intake manifolds have a smaller internal diameter. A plastic ring is fitted on top of the vacum piston in the carb, to keep it from opening fully.

Thats all i discovered so far.


Mezo 18 Jul 2012 00:56

Thanks for sharing that info on the restrictions, handy to know that for future 3DS owners wanting to make it a bit more lively.

Enjoy your new bike. :thumbup1:


estebangc 4 Oct 2012 18:03


Originally Posted by Mezo (Post 384592)
I think this is the device in the center of the picture?



By heart, that really looks like my Swiss 3UX '95 XT600e, which also has that device as well, apart from a hose going around it toward the right petcock of the Acerbis tank.

I just got new manifolds since the rubber in the old ones was teared and had heard about the smaller diameter, but leaving the day after to the Balkans, it was the very last thing I could remember or consider. The bike seemed to run better afterwards, so felt happier, although now I don't know if it's because of the new (sealed) rubbers or because the manifolds actually have a larger diameter (probably the 1st option alone).

I wonder if it's worth trying to get the extra power or it's better to remain like that in case you climb the Eiger...:scooter:


Genuflector 17 Jan 2014 15:48

Hi, a bit late maybe.
I have just find your discussion "Googleling" for information about my Ténéré 3DS. I'm also not far from Geneva.
All what I know is that it was a version for the Swiss market due to the harder, than the rest of Europe, emissions policy carried by the Swiss authorities on the 90's. Plenty of models didn't make it to CH at that time.
I have always thought that probably DS stands from " Drossel" limitation in german and Schweiz, obviously Switzerland in german.
I don't think that there's a carburation mod for altitude, Swiss average altitude is even lower than the p. ex. the Spanish one.
The modifications are probably all oriented to limit de emissions, that's why the lower power compared to the 3AJ.
What I can't determine is which are exactly this differences. Does somebody know them for sure?

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