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-   -   fitting a kickstart to an xt600 e 2002 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/yamaha-tech/fitting-kickstart-xt600-e-2002-a-25099)

dawack 11 Jan 2007 23:17

fitting a kickstart to an xt600 e 2002
is there any body out there has done this ?
just wondering if it is dooable. ive read previous threads on the subject were peeps have done it to earlyer bikes i no the settup required gearing wise but its the part were it has to come out through the caseing has me stumped will i require a new casing or is the current 1 moddable to suite


Brian Williams 12 Jan 2007 20:17

You can get the whole kick start kit from a Yamaha dealer ( or try a bike breakers for used parts ), the E engine is pretty much the same as earlier kick start/elecric starters. As for the engine cover, there is a plastic bung where the kick start shaft goes through, just remove this and fit oil seal that comes with kick start kit.

Laromonster 12 Jan 2007 21:01


Originally Posted by Brian Williams
You can get the whole kick start kit from a Yamaha dealer ( or try a bike breakers for used parts ), the E engine is pretty much the same as earlier kick start/elecric starters. As for the engine cover, there is a plastic bung where the kick start shaft goes through, just remove this and fit oil seal that comes with kick start kit.

As far as i recall the later 600e's dont have this rubber cover for the kickstarter.. its either machine a hole for the shaft or replace the cover with a TTR or older XT one

dawack 12 Jan 2007 22:56

yea ur right monster the is no bung just a flat spot on the caseing were the kickstart would have been.
i had hoped that this was set up on the inside to house seals and wht have ya but im thinking its gona require a new caseing

bolla 13 Jan 2007 19:01

Hi there is info here if you can read german or translate http://www.xt600.de/xt_werkstatt/+ba...rter/index.htm

It might be cheaper to use an older side casing then getting yours machined.

I am in the process of fitting a kickstart to my 3AJ so far I have bought a kickstart and kickstart shaft from E bay.

My side case has a rubber plug
Bought a side case gasket, a seal for kickstart shaft to pass through a small washer that goes on back of kickstart shaft, a new return spring and an idler gear.
Hope to get this fitted soon

py330 15 Apr 2007 04:21

I am slowly upgrading my 1993 XT600E for my hopeful trip in 2010 from Singapore/Malaysia to London and I am planning to install the kickstarter too. I have been in contact with kedo.de who sells the kickstarter kit (#10123) but this kit is only for the kickstart model bikes and does not include all the internal components required to fit the electric start model. They can get all the required parts for me but it is going to cost me 700 euros which I can't really afford. If someone can translate the website to English (sorry I can't read German and I have tried altavista) and detail all the parts (with parts numbers if possible) required for this installation, that will help alot and maybe save me some money. Thanks and have a good weekend. Cheers, tom.

*Touring Ted* 15 Apr 2007 15:07

May I ask why your bothering ? I know its nice to have the option of kickstarting but the XT has no issues with bad starters or electrics.

If your worrying about flattening your battery (very unlikely) then get a Odysey Dry cell battery (£100). They can crank for hours without flattening.

Adding a kickstarter is probably going to add more problems than its worth.

py330 17 Apr 2007 02:35

Hi Tedmagnum, I was also thinking of adding the oil cooler but after reading your post on that I have decided not too. Thanks for the information. I will still go ahead with the kickstart installation in the occasion that when all else fail, there is still the kickstart. If anyone can help with my earlier post, that will be great. Thanks. Cheers.

*Touring Ted* 17 Apr 2007 09:46


Originally Posted by thomasyong (Post 133382)
Hi Tedmagnum, I was also thinking of adding the oil cooler but after reading your post on that I have decided not too. Thanks for the information. I will still go ahead with the kickstart installation in the occasion that when all else fail, there is still the kickstart. If anyone can help with my earlier post, that will be great. Thanks. Cheers.

I would be interested how it goes though. Let me know when its all fitted and if you encounter any problems.

Cheers, ed

dawack 18 Apr 2007 18:04

[quote=tedmagnum;133217]May I ask why your bothering ?

i was a silly b*ger in work.
after coming back from lunch i got detracted and left the bike with the key in the ignition and lights on so ya can guess wht happened. i learnt my lesson after trying to bump it a few times and it hasent happened since.

i was just thinking if it could of been easily done and cheaply it might not have been a bad back up


py330 19 Apr 2007 03:29

I think I will be going the Kedo way unless I can get more information for the installation. I am still waiting for their reply on the parts and will update. Cheers.

py330 19 Apr 2007 03:32

I only managed to bump start the bike down a relatively steep road from 2nd gear. No luck yet from flat road. Any secrets to bump starting for this bike? Cheers.

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