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mika 7 Feb 2001 08:54

Generator for 1VJ Tenere
hi guys, hi Klaus,

since I had a problem with my generator in Thailand I want to get a "new" used one. So I am looking for a 1VJ or 3AJ generator.

Or, a friend told me that also a generator from 3TB/3UW model together with the Polrad (sorry, don't know the english word for it, just the round wheel turning around the generator, ok?) or TT600S model version would fit.

Is this right Klaus ?

Best would be someone in Down Under (or Germany ) selling it for very low price, because I am on the road since 65.000 ks and have another 200.000 k to go.

Greetings from Hanoi Vietnam and thank you for the help


KlausXT600 12 Feb 2001 20:19

hi mika,
sorry for the delay, i was out (biking of course) for some days.
i don't think you can use the alternator of a 3tb because the ignition system (cdi etc.) is different from 1vj. if you want to do so, you have to use also the ignition system of 3tb which means bigger modifications in the wiring.
3aj should fit, about tt i'm not sure, have to check the wiring diagram first.
good luck and bon voyage!

mika 16 Feb 2001 18:56

Thank you very much Klaus, so to be on the safe side I will get the 1VJ or 3AJ one. Because I don't want to change the cdi and all the other stuff.

Anyone an idea where to get a used alternator from an 1VJ or 3AJ Model Tenere ?

Greetings from Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City


giorgioXT 17 Feb 2001 04:03

In your place , probabily it will be easy to "rewire" (or rewind ?) the generator ...normally people working with electric motors and/or car electrics are able to do..

KlausXT600 18 Feb 2001 01:13

giorgio is right, probably it might be easier to have the stator rewinded if you can find a workshop capable to do this work (shouldn't be so difficult in 3-world countries). i know someone how did this on his kitchen table (took him one week) so it is not a difficult work, but time-consuming if you don't have special machinery. important is a proper sealing of the windings afterwards to protect them against oil. you can use silicone sealing for this, but it must be of high quality and resistant against high oil-temperature.
of course second-hand stators are available in germany, but how will you handle the shipping and payment?

Grant Johnson 18 Feb 2001 15:50

To Grant from Mika - I have some computer problem. I can not send a reply to my BB topic - maybe a mistake on your website or maybe on this computer.
Always if i click on my topic (under XT600Forum) I have to close the program.

Please post this answer to KlausXT and giorgioXT and on the BB:

Hi guys,

thank you for the information, but I have got it rewired (?) twice in
Thailand. But the first job was very bad and the second one is also not
good. This is the reason I am looking for a 'new' used alternator !
It is working now, more or less, but who knows for how long and the next
time it will be very difficult to rewire it again because all the wires are
a mess and after I put it back (I had no choice) I was surprised it worked
and charged the battery. I wish I had done it on the kitchentable myself.
Klaus, I would pay for it with a money transfer to a bank account in Germany
and a friend would take it to Oz from Germany in may.

Thank you MIKA

Thank you Grant from Ho chi Minh City MIKA

Mika - Worked fine for me, as you can see, so it must be the computer you are working on.

KlausXT600 18 Feb 2001 22:40

o.k. mika, i will see what i can do.
for the future i think it's better you contact me directly, i don't think the other users are interested in details of trading business.
my e-mail: klaus@xt600.de

KlausXT600 20 Feb 2001 12:35

hi mika,
moritz (i think you know him) offers an alternator (rotor/stator) from a 3tb which he bought some days ago. he needs 300 dem for it. for the time beeing he's in vacation but will be back mid april.

Brian Foster 23 Feb 2001 09:38

Hi Mika,

Are you still looking for a second-hand alternator?

I have contacted a number of people in Australia who might be able to help. Will let you know soon.

Good luck otherwise.



PS Are you coming to Australia after SE Asia?

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