Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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xt performer 7 Jul 2003 07:15

Hello, i'm new in the forum, i've got a question
Hi, i bougth an 1998 xt 600 E 3 aj engine with 36000 km on the clock, the question is about the cooling of the engine, i read all the oldest post and i'm wondering about how the xt performs on city traffic like stop and go and temperatures like 25 celsius degrees and i saw some oil thermometers fitted like dipstick.

other question i have is, does the xt really needs an oil cooler or perhaps the oil cooler is needed on real off road conditions?

thanks and any comments welcome

KlausXT600 7 Jul 2003 19:43

it depends.
pre-90 xt's are running 'cooler' than those build after 1990.
reason is the oil tank, placed just above the engine in the frame.
xt600e's easily reach temperatures around 120°C.
therefore it is worth to think about an oil cooler and an oil thermometer.


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