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allen starkey 23 Mar 2006 01:03

how do you stop an oil leak
hi, need some help. riding to oz from the uk in just over 3 weeks and my engines sprung a leak. Just re-built her (3aj) and took her for a spin and she rode realy nice, but. the crank case half has started leaking. I realy don't want to take the engine back out and strip her down and split the engine in half again, can anyone think of a good way to stop the leak. I'm thinking if oil can get out then maybe sealant can be pushed in. if i loosen the bolts and try and syringe some sealant in there, anyone know if it will work or anyother way.


winmac 23 Mar 2006 03:37

You could try a 2 part epoxy( plastic steel) just clean up the area and coat it on. If epoxy can't be found fiberglass resin might do the job. It may not seal completly but should slow it down enough.


gwel 23 Mar 2006 15:23

Following the previous advice, epoxy might be possible but difficult to remove.
There is also the possibility to try a gel coat filler used in Yachting, it is used to blind little hole on boats.
It's easy to apply and not as strong as the epoxy but think can do the job!

Bernard 24 Mar 2006 02:40

I hesitate to suggest this but....http://www.gaffertape.com/

Just a thought

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