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kenymact 23 Apr 2012 01:30

its alive....
So ....my newly rebuilt tenere from 86 is now running....after pulling it apart and replacing the engine casings and returning it back to the original electric start we got it running....after pumping the oil tank with a foot pump using the breather pipe the oil went through ...,..only problem so far is at 2000 rpm its cuts out....we had the carb stripped and cleaned and am wondering what might have gone wrong ....all answers on a postcard to.........:scooter:

Bandit127 25 Apr 2012 21:29

Cuts out dead? Or cuts out like it nearly dies but keeps going but you can't get it past 2,000 rpm? If it does die how easy is it to start again?

How is the throttle response below 2,000 rpm?

With a rebuild there is so much that could be wrong some more specifics on the symptoms would be useful for us bystanders.

kenymact 26 Apr 2012 11:10

runs smoothly and starts again easily after the stall......am going to return the old needle and jets and see if it makes any difference...

kenymact 8 May 2012 20:16

Right,stripped and replaced the needle back to original and still have the same problem....revs fine till 2000 22000 and it just dies....stripped and cleaned it again and if no joy will remove the carbs from my 2002 xt and see if they fit the 86 tenere and see if that cures them problem. This will tell me if its the carb or an electrical issue......once it dies it kick starts again easily.....any ideas or suggestions are welcome...

kenymact 17 May 2012 08:52

Damn....stripped carb again and cleaned and checked evrything again, refitted carb and still cuts out abruptly at 2000 rpm.....now going to pull my xt carbs off and fit to the tenere to see if it will run above 2000rpm.....still no idea why its doing it but at idle the voltage to the battery is 12v and starts to hit 14v just before it cuts out ,i just wanted to see if the charging circuit works so am happy with that. It starts easily from cold but the starter motor wont start it.....seems to turn very slowly and then backfires???.... will see how my xt carbs work....

Bandit127 17 May 2012 18:17

I may be way off here - but isn't the ignition advance on the CDi engines done by a second coil on the stator? This might be dead?

If this is your problem I apologise for the amount of time this thought has taken to bubble to the surface of my old brain...

bacardi23 17 May 2012 18:48

I believe you have two problems working together...

One, 12v is too low for the battery if you're trying to e-start it!
Either your battery is cooked because of a bad regulator/rectifier OR the stator isn't outputting enough AC (maybe it has one burnt phase ).
It could be even what Bandit127 said...I'm not familiar with ténere stators...

Other, your sparkplug coil could be bad!
It can run fine when cold but when it's warm it'll shut off completely..
or even the sparkplug cap be slightly loose and vibration shakes it of?

Vando :cool4:

kenymact 18 May 2012 04:09

It seems to be putting out enough volts at 1800 rpm its giving 14 volts,seems strange that it is the coil as it starts and runs ok till 2000 rpm....pulled the carb of my xt 600 today so will fit it to the tenere at the weekend and let you know.....hope it is the carb as it is easier to fix than electrical problems...cheers for the help .....thought I was on my own for a while there...bier

Bandit127 19 May 2012 06:11

My point about the coil is that there are two on my 43F. Pickup coils on the stator that is. They provide the pulse to the ignition circuit.

At low revs the ignition system runs off one, at higher revs it switches to another which provides an ignition advance.

If you have a timing light you could test this simply - by connecting it up and watching the light while revving it.

kenymact 21 Sep 2012 07:02

Right....put another set of carbs on the tenere and the old problem still exists.....at about 1800 rpm it cuts out completely.....kicks over and starts again straight away....pull the coil off and checked it and its fine...not breaking down under load..;...thinking now maybe the cdi.....its the cdi which was on the kickstart engine,does anyone know if it will not work with an electric start engine?....will slowly work thru till I find the problem......

Mezo 21 Sep 2012 07:32

There`s a Kiwi lad making CDI replacements, Hyperspark i think he calls himself based out of Jafa land.


kenymact 21 Sep 2012 08:48

Cheers,I ll google him.....

kenymact 26 Sep 2012 03:05

Any one know how to check a cdi.....my tenere from 86 is still cutting out about 1800 rpm and the carbs ok and the coil lead and plug too......

djorob 26 Sep 2012 13:06

If you can find someone with the same bike who will allow you to swap the cdi over to test this may be easier than getting a check done.
Have you swapped out the coil?
Chanced the supressor cap?
Have you isolated the kill switch, sidestand switch?
Valve clearances ok?
Have you made sure the valve timing is correct as I have seen problems with mis-timing in assembly showing itself as running probs at increased revs.
Just a few things to tick off to give you peace of mind in fault finding.
Good luck mate.

kenymact 26 Sep 2012 20:08

yeah...done all those checks including running current thru cap and coil to see if its breaking down,kickstarts easily after it dies but wont run above about 1800.....maybe I can use the coil off my 2002 xt600 and see if i can wire it in somehow....will put a message up on my local kiwi motorcycle forum....

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