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Stephen 4 Apr 2003 19:41

neutralising rust inside the fuel tank
has anyone got advice as to what can be done to deal with rust inside the fuel tank.
I have considered pet-seal but am reluctant to use this until I have stripped as much rust as possible.

Thanks in advance

86 1VJ

peterkik 6 Apr 2003 22:28


A good way to get rust out of the fueltank is to shake it really well with small lead-balls (or whatever it is called in english). These things are used to balance radiocontrolled airplanes and can be bought in specialized shops for model-airplanes.
It also prevents the tank from rusting again.


DAVSATO 7 Apr 2003 01:55

good idea, its called lead shot, but dont go to a model shop for it, go to an angling/fishing shop or gunshop, it will be a lot cheaper and they will have more shot sizes available.


futronix 10 Apr 2003 03:42

try sand blasting...if that doesnt get the rust off nothing will...

A.B. 11 Apr 2003 01:41

How do you snad blast the inside of a tank?


OasisPhoto.com – Images from the Magical Sahara.
ShortWheelbase.com – Jeep preparations.

peterkik 14 Apr 2003 13:54

I didn't dare to ask......

FredXTZ 14 Apr 2003 14:32

I would do it as follows : put the tank in a blasting machine, then blast the inside of the tank, take the tank out of the machine again.
What's the problem ?

Fred, XTZ660, Holland.

A.B. 15 Apr 2003 02:59

The problem is with the size of the filling hole. All you’ll only be able to put the tip on the gin in it and point it at the bottom of the tank and maybe a bit of the sides. The rest will remain untouched.

Is there some sort of a thin bendable tip for sand blasting machines?


OasisPhoto.com – Images from the Magical Sahara.
ShortWheelbase.com – Jeep preparations.

A.B. 15 Apr 2003 03:00

The problem is with the size of the filling hole. All you’ll only be able to put the tip on the gin in it and point it at the bottom of the tank and maybe a bit of the sides. The rest will remain untouched.

Is there some sort of a thin bendable tip for sand blasting machines?


OasisPhoto.com – Images from the Magical Sahara.
ShortWheelbase.com – Jeep preparations.

futronix 15 Apr 2003 06:21

you can get many types of tips for use in a sand blaster...a long thin extension with a slight kink in the tube should be able to reach the filddly bits inside your tank, its a fairly harsh technique but also very effective...

POB/London 16 Apr 2003 05:10


Originally posted by FredXTZ:
I would do it as follows : put the tank in a blasting machine, then blast the inside of the tank, take the tank out of the machine again.
What's the problem ?

Not the inside faces, Frank, near the frame. The *interior* of the tank (where the fuel goes)! Not so easy to sandblast!

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